Writing, Drama and French!

We have been very busy this week in lots of curricular areas.


In maths we have been focussing on time and some of us have been changing 12-hour times to 24-hour clock times. We have also been looking at time intervals and telling the time using concrete materials.


In writing this week we were looking at persuasive posters. We worked in groups to analyse given posters using post-it notes. We had to identify key features of persuasive posters and whether or not the posters we were given were effective. These features included persuasive language, bossy verbs, images, slogans etc


We have also started learning French! This week we have learned the different colours, numbers 1-10 and days of the week. For some of us this has been revision and a reminder but for others it has been brand new. We enjoyed listening and joining in with Youtube videos to help us learning the new vocabulary.


In drama, we have been working with scripts and acting out the Three Little Pigs and the Three Bears. We have been enjoying working with scripts but we need to remember to face the audience and move around the stage area more. We will continue with a variety of scripts over the next few weeks.