Term 2 – Week 1

Wow what a great first week back!Image result for thumbs up

We have been very busy in P4K this week.


Lego Movie Premiere

Image result for movie premiere

Thank you to all parents/guardians who came to watch the premiere of the Lego Movie. We had a great time showing you and look forward to having you back in soon to see more of what we get up to at school.



This week we have started looking at 2D and 3D shapes.

Image result for 3d shapes

We have learned the names and learned that we can describe 3D shapes using the terms faces, edges and vertices.


We also learned the names of new 2D shapes. Pentagons, hexagons and Octagons.



Our VCOP activity this week was based on similes. We learned that similes compare on thing to another using the words ‘like’ or ‘as.’ We found this video really funny.


Image result for similes



Image result for spooky writing

We then had to use what we had learned in VCOP to write a spooooooooky simile description.

We also thought of some great adjectives to use in our descriptions.


Here are some of our words:

horrifying, petrifying, ghastly, spine-chilling, haunted, wicked, disgusting, gruesome, creepy and eerie.


WOW = World of Wonders

Image result for 7 natural wonders of the world

We are all very excited to embark on our new topic. We will be going on many ‘expeditions’ to see some of the natural wonders of the world.


This week we were challenged to think about why Dionisio Pulido had to flee from his crop farm. We were given clues and had to work out the answer.


We enjoyed watching this video and finding out the answers!



Future ‘expeditions’

We are very lucky as one of our class mates has an uncle who has conquered the mighty Mount Everest!  He has very kindly offered to come in and speak to us about his adventure and I’m sure we will be full of questions! How exciting!

Image result for mount everest


As it is the start of term could all children please remember to have:

  • A named gym kit
  • A named apron or smock for art
  • A named ‘rainy day’ job for indoor break and lunches. Cards, a colouring book or something similar works well. All of the above can be left in school.

Have a great weekend! Image result for smile