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Looking forward to sharing our learning through tweets! 🐥😃
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Looking forward to sharing our learning through tweets! 🐥😃
Our writing task this week challenged us to write a story about space. We could choose to write alone or in partners.
Each of us were given a grid sheet and 2 dice. We had to roll the dice and find the co-ordinate on the given sheet. We then had to include that picture in our writing.
Look how hard we are working!
Northern Lights
We had great fun experimenting with chalk and creating Northern Light pictures.
We also looked at Scottish music and created a ‘Northern Lights’ dance. We had to create a short dance routine to the Northern Lights based on their movement in the sky.
We created dance movements using streamers, considering how to keep in synchronization, a starting and finishing position and keeping in time to the music. Each group then gave and received two stars and a wish feedback.
Scrumptious smoothies.
Our wonder this week was the Rio Harbour in Brazil.
We compared and contrasted food in Brazil to food in the UK and had lots of fun making Brazilian smoothies!
Wow what a great first week back!
We have been very busy in P4K this week.
Lego Movie Premiere
Thank you to all parents/guardians who came to watch the premiere of the Lego Movie. We had a great time showing you and look forward to having you back in soon to see more of what we get up to at school.
This week we have started looking at 2D and 3D shapes.
We have learned the names and learned that we can describe 3D shapes using the terms faces, edges and vertices.
We also learned the names of new 2D shapes. Pentagons, hexagons and Octagons.
Our VCOP activity this week was based on similes. We learned that similes compare on thing to another using the words ‘like’ or ‘as.’ We found this video really funny.
We then had to use what we had learned in VCOP to write a spooooooooky simile description.
We also thought of some great adjectives to use in our descriptions.
Here are some of our words:
horrifying, petrifying, ghastly, spine-chilling, haunted, wicked, disgusting, gruesome, creepy and eerie.
WOW = World of Wonders
We are all very excited to embark on our new topic. We will be going on many ‘expeditions’ to see some of the natural wonders of the world.
This week we were challenged to think about why Dionisio Pulido had to flee from his crop farm. We were given clues and had to work out the answer.
We enjoyed watching this video and finding out the answers!
Future ‘expeditions’
We are very lucky as one of our class mates has an uncle who has conquered the mighty Mount Everest! He has very kindly offered to come in and speak to us about his adventure and I’m sure we will be full of questions! How exciting!
As it is the start of term could all children please remember to have:
Have a great weekend!
Another extremely busy week in P4K.
This week we were challenged to write a letter of complaint. We looked at the features of a letter and then had to use this in our writing.
We had to write a letter of complaint to the Lego Company.
We had great fun thinking of reasons for complaining.
Some people had missing pieces, missing instructions, wrong prices and someone even found a snake in their Lego box!
Our stop motion movies plans have been finalised and our movies are ready to go. Next week we will become film makers! We are VERY excited to film our movies!
Lego Cars
We had to create a Lego car that could be propelled by a balloon.
We had to think about:
Each group designed and created what they thought would work, we then tested it and made adjustments!
We had great fun blowing up the balloons and testing the cars.
Although this was a big challenge and a lot to think about – each group successfully designed and created a Lego car that could move! Well done everyone!
Have a great weekend – I am very excited to start filming next week!
Welcome back!!
Welcome back all children and parents of P4K. I hope everyone has had a fantastic summer and the children are raring to go! The aim of this blog is to share information and photos so you can see all of the exciting activities we participate in at school.
Below is an overview of our timetable for term 1. This will show you the days the children have activities out of the classroom that may require them to bring in resources etc.
P4K Timetable
Monday – Homework due, French with Mrs Shepherd
Tuesday – Art with Mrs Brew, P.E with Miss Keith
Wednesday – Homework set, P.E with Miss Mair,
Thursday –ICT, library
Friday – Global Citizenship with Mrs Cusick
As it is the start of term can you please ensure your child has the following in school:
The class was filled with excitement when the pupils were set on a mission to guess our new topic.
Different clues were placed on each table. The children had to look closely at each piece and identify any clues!
Egyptians, Toys, Movies and more were guessed. Eventually some very clever detectives concluded that our topic must be LEGO!
The pupils were very eager to share ideas of what they already knew about Lego and what exciting activities we could do in school.
The next challenged required a lot of team work. The pupils were challenged to create our very own P4K LEGO City. In small teams the pupils had to create a building for our city.
Pens, paint, glue, tissue paper and glitter were all used to create houses, hotels, windmills and even spectacular science laboratories! We will post a picture of our P4K LEGO City once it is on the wall.
Welcome to – Aberdeen.
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