Hoping you all have a great time over the Easter break but if you have some time on your hands and want to do something then you could try
- visiting Cults Library (or another library)
- some mental maths on Sumdog
- some other maths activities on Activelearn (new activities will be allocated by the end of this week)
- or you could check out the list of ISS sightings on the link below. If you are in Aberdeen on Friday 31st March get out and look for the International Space Station passing over Aberdeen at 8.33pm. Since it is the start of the holidays you might be allowed to stay up a little later than normal. It is a good night to look for the ISS since the weather forecast isn’t too bad and the space station is visible for about 4 minutes. It looks like a star but doesn’t twinkle and moves across the sky slowly enough to follow it. If the sky is clear you will see it even where there is light pollution from street lights and house lights etc. but for an even better view try the woods beside the school, your back garden with the lights inside switched off or somewhere else darkish you can go to.