Welcome back after the Christmas break. We hope you have had a relaxing and enjoyable time and that the children are all ready for a busy start to 2017.
Everyone seemed eager to get started on Monday morning. We have already investigated what we know about our new topic – SPACE – and have thought about some things we would like to find out more about. We will be visiting Aberdeen Science Centre later this month. (If anyone is looking for something to do this Sunday 15th January, they are launching their new space station exhibit – entry £3 per head, open 10am – 5pm). We will be exploring this new activity as well as enjoying some workshops and all the regular floor exhibits when we visit.
Homework this week is just spelling words with the au sound and a reading task.
Our timetable this term remains much the same – library is still Tuesday pm and the children have been enjoying taking their turn to share a favourite book from home in our Story Sack. We will be having 6 weeks of AFC football coaching starting on Monday 16th January. Children also have aerobics on a Tuesday am and PE with Miss Mair on a Wednesday am. Please can you make sure they bring their indoor shoes and PE kit back to school by next week.