2C Cults Primary

Welcome to our class blog.

June 29, 2017
by User deactivated

Week beginning 26th June


We are in the final week of the school year and the children have been working hard and also enjoying some whole school get togethers.

On Monday morning Jackie, from the SSPCA, came to visit our class to collect a cheque for the money we raised from our Dance-a-thon challenge. A HUGE THANK YOU to everyone who sponsored the children, helping us raise an AMAZING £397.50.

On Monday we were delighted to see the P7 classes performing their show “School of Rock”. Everyone enjoyed it and couldn’t help clapping and tapping in time to all the music!

On Wednesday it was the Primary 7 Ceremony when we got to say Good Bye to the oldest children in the school and wish them luck in the next step on their journey.

Our potato crop was finally ready to lift but sadly we have no time left to try making our soup. Our carrots have not done quite so well – we think the rabbits like them – but our onions have grown quite well. We had fun outside searching for “buried treasure”.

Also this week the children have had a short while to meet their new teachers for next session. Everyone came back smiling and we are sure they will continue to work hard and learn even more when they come back in August.

We would like to say it has been a pleasure teaching you all this year. We hope  you all have a lovely time over the summer holidays and are ready for Primary 3 in August.








Look how big we have grown over the past year!

Bye from us all in Primary 2C/C

June 24, 2017
by User deactivated

Week beginning 19th June

We are into the second last week of the term and we can’t believe we are so near the end of Primary 2!

What a quick, but busy year it has been. This week was no exception as we finally had our Sports Day on Wednesday and a little rain didn’t dampen our spirits.

We were also practising for our Dance-a-thon / Mannequin Challenge which took place on Thursday. We voted to give the money raised from this event to the  SSPCA and are pleased to say a representative of this very worthy charity will be visiting us on Monday.

Everyone did amazingly well at dancing and staying very, very still as you can see from the photos. Can you spot the BEFORE and AFTER pictures?

June 15, 2017
by User deactivated

Week beginning 12th June

Here we are in June already. There is still so much happening in our class and it looks like we will be busy all the way to the end of term.

We have our rescheduled Sports Day on Wednesday 21st and our class Dance-a-thon on Thursday 22nd (more information to follow).

This is the last week of spelling homework  – we will continue with revising phonemes from this term in class until the end of term.

Summer Service

Thinking towards the end of term the song chosen for the P7 Leavers Service is “Rockin’ All Over the World” by Status Quo.

We have been practising in school with the children but they (and you) might like to practise a little more at home to make sure that our hall is really rockin’ when we say goodbye to the P7s! Hopefully the links below will help you.

Status Quo singing

Karaoke backing track

We had some interesting visitors and items for show and tell over the past two weeks – these are just a few of those special things.


Our numeracy focus this week has been money and we have had a lot of fun investigating the notes and coins we use and working cooperatively in small groups playing money themed  games and problem solving.




New money-themed challenges have been set on Active Learn for the pupils to try and the link below is a tablet-friendly activity.

Try “Mixed Coins, Exact Money” – the children have already tried this in class.

Toy Shop



This week we have also been busy on our “Community” topic and were lucky to get a dry afternoon, even if it was very warm, to visit Cults Library.

Thank you again to all the parent helpers who make these trips possible.

June 1, 2017
by User deactivated

Week beginning 29th May

We started this week with a walk round our local area as an introduction to our new, mini topic for the rest of this term. We are going to be looking at what makes a community and in particular looking at our own community of Cults.

The children were all very busy trying to identify different types of houses as well as what other buildings were used for. They recorded on their sheets as well as using iPads to take photos of things that they felt were important to our area or were interesting to them. Some followed our walk on the maps we had taken with us. Back in class we looked at Google maps to plot our route and also investigated the area on Google Earth getting a different perspective from an aerial view.

Again thank you to the parents who came with us and made our walk possible.

May 28, 2017
by User deactivated

Our Trip

Our trip to Easter Anguston Farm

What an amazing day for our class trip to the farm. The sun shone all the time we were there and we learned a bit more about our Farm to Fork topic. A very BIG THANK YOU to all the adults who so kindly volunteered to help us with the outing. Your time and support is much appreciated.

We found out a little more about telling the difference between fruit and vegetables, identified fruit and veg, looked closely at some and planted our own pea seed to take home and look after. We had remembered quite a lot from what we had been learning in class.














We were very interested in all that Neil told us about the different animals that they keep on the farm.








May 25, 2017
by User deactivated

Week Beginning 22nd May


This week we have been investigating how we measure capacity and were glad the weather has been good so that we can be learning outdoors.  We learned that we measure liquids using litres and millilitres and investigated the amounts that different containers held.


There are some new activities on Active Learn for you to try at home.

Also if you would like to watch Alex T.Smith again then the video is available at the following link.

Alex T. Smith

May 19, 2017
by User deactivated

Week beginning 15/05/17

We have had another busy week and have even managed to enjoy PE outside with Miss Mair in the warm, dry weather.

We have been continuing to investigate how we measure weight. We looked at the displays on scales, found out a bit about grams (g) and kilograms (kg) and carefully handled some metal kilogram weights which we thought were quite heavy. Next week we will begin to investigate how we measure capacity.

Following up on our fantastic persuasive letters last week, to encourage Miss Ashmore to buy local or seasonal produce, we discovered more about which fruit and vegetables can be grown in the Scotland or the UK and how far away some other items come from to our shops.

The best bit was tasting the fresh fruit and vegetables the next day.

On Wednesday morning we watched an “Authors Live” broadcast as part of Bookbug week. The author was Alex T. Smith,  a well known children’s book author and illustrator. He shared with the audience a little about how he became interested in drawing and then writing from an early age and then decided that was what he wanted to do when he grew up.  A few of the children in class had already read some of his “Claude” stories and we were all delighted when he showed us how to draw Claude. I think you will agree we all did very well!


Have a look at our pictures in our Claude Gallery page above.

Then you could have a go too by watching the BBC clip from the webcast on the link below!

Drawing Claude with Alex T. Smith



Our  Scotland wide Sumdog contest finished on Thursday.

Well done to everyone who played some games and helped us do so well.

1139 schools from all over Scotland took part and we came a fantastic 439th. Mark managed to answer an amazing 1000 questions, which is the maximum total you can have count towards a contest score.

Next contest (last for p2) runs from 2nd – 8th June and is an Aberdeen only contest.


Next week and coming up

We are looking forward to our trip to Easter Anguston Farm on Thursday morning. This will bring us to near the end of our “Farm to Fork” topic. We will be starting on a new short topic for the rest of this term all about “Our Community” and will be out and about looking at things that are important to us in the Cults area.

Letters will go home soon about two short outings we have planned already. If any parents are able to come with us to help on either of our walks please let us know on the reply slip or speak to us at the end of a day. As always your help is very much appreciated in making these things happen for the children.

Monday 29th May 9.30am

A walk around our community looking at houses, other buildings and amenities. We will be  recording what we see by making notes and taking photos. It will be a lot of walking so we will stop down near the Hub to have our snack!

Tuesday 13th June 1.30pm

Visit to Cults Library





May 12, 2017
by User deactivated

Week beginning 8th May 2017

This has been a very busy week for everyone. Thank you to all the parents who came to see us on Wednesday and Thursday evenings for parent interviews.

This week was Miss Ashmore’s last week in class with us and although we will miss her we wish her well for next session in a new school.


We have been learning more about measure and have moved on to measuring weight (or mass). We have been using balances to compare different items and can order them from lightest to heaviest.

We are entered into a Sumdog competition for Scottish schools. It is the first time they have had one just for Scotland so we hope you can all get online and do some mental maths practise.


Why not try the activities below to see if you can match the pictures of fruit and vegetables.

fruit & veg matching fun

fruit & veg name game


March 31, 2017
by User deactivated

Happy Easter

What a busy term we have had! We are sure you saw some of the things we have been learning about at our Open Day. Thank you to everyone who visited. We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did!

Our Learning Logs that you saw have been sent home for you to look at in more detail when you have time over the Easter break.

Miss Ashmore will be back with us in class for a few weeks after we return.

In the summer term we will be starting on brand new topic work, looking at the food we eat and growing some of our own, getting busy looking at all sorts of things we can measure and hopefully getting outside to get lots of exercise.

Playground Pals

This week we have begun training with our P7 buddies – learning how to play a whole range of games outside in the playground. The weather was lovely as we got together outside and learned the rules of some games.


Have a great time over the Easter break.

We will all be ready and refreshed when we come back in April.


March 28, 2017
by User deactivated

Holiday Homework

Hoping you all have a great time over the Easter break but if you have some time on your hands and want to do something then you could try

  • visiting Cults Library (or another library)
  • some mental maths on Sumdog
  • some other maths activities on Activelearn (new activities will be allocated by the end of this week)
  • or you could check out the list of ISS sightings on the link below. If you are in Aberdeen on Friday 31st March get out and look for the International Space Station passing over Aberdeen at 8.33pm.  Since it is the start of the holidays you might be allowed to stay up a little later than normal. It is a good night to look for the ISS since the weather forecast isn’t too bad and the space station is visible for about 4 minutes. It looks like a star but doesn’t twinkle and moves across the sky slowly enough to follow it. If the sky is clear you will see it even where there is light pollution from street lights and house lights etc. but for an even better view try the woods beside the school, your back garden with the lights inside switched off or somewhere else darkish you can go to.

Spot the Station, Aberdeen

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