Term 1 and 2 CLIC – P2

As part of our Big Maths scheme in school we do CLIC sessions for core numeracy.  Each letter stands for an area of numeracy.

C – Counting

L – Learn Its (these are number facts which we learn so they can be quickly recalled without needing to work out the answer).

I – It’s Nothing New

C – Calculations

These are the topics we will be covering in terms 1 and 2.


Saying and reading numbers within 100

CORE number to 10 (showing good understanding by comparing, ordering, estimating and doing number stories)

Counting multiples of 10 and 5.

Learn Its

Number bonds to 10.    1+9  2+8  3+7  4+6  5+5

The doubles from 1-9.

It’s Nothing New

Jigsaw numbers to 10. Knowing the missing number to make 10. e.g. the jigsaw number for 3 is 7 etc.

Doubling single digit numbers.




Multiplication – grouping sets and counting the total

Division – sharing into 2 or 3 equal groups