Category Archives: Homework

Homework wb 29.04.2019

Literacy Homework 

Children need to learn their spellings. There will continue to be a spelling test on a Friday however they all know that they can decide how they would like to learn these words. We have used many different activities in class and for homework over the last two terms, so children should be familiar with activities to use. If they are unsure, they can choose from this list:

  • Blue Vowels
  • Vowel Circle
  • Rainbow Write
  • Elkonin Boxes
  • Diacritical Marking

Or look back on previous homework posts, ask in class or use

this website for additional ideas:

Upcoming Competitions:

  • Continue thinking of the development of your story for Explore Learning writing competition. (Optional theme: ‘A Chance to Change the World’)

Topic Homework:

As we are doing our topic on Finance which includes: baking, credit, debit cards, savings, currencies and job roles within finance- find out as much as possible from your families about their experiences with money. Tell them about the Funny Money story, explain about the different currencies of the world, think about a family currency!!! To be continued….


Homework wb 18.03.2019


Literacy Homework 

Children need to learn their spellings. There will continue to be a spelling test on a Friday however they all know that they can decide how they would like to learn these words. We have used many different activities in class and for homework over the last two terms, so children should be familiar with activities to use. If they are unsure, they can choose from this list:

  • Blue Vowels
  • Vowel Circle
  • Rainbow Write
  • Elkonin Boxes
  • Diacritical Marking

Or look back on previous homework posts, ask in class or use

this website for additional ideas:

Upcoming Competitions:

  • Begin thinking of your story for Explore Learning writing competition. (Optional theme: ‘A Chance to Change the World’)
  • Begin thinking of a news story for the P&J newspaper front cover competition (Optional theme; ‘Fighting for our Future’) 

Topic Homework:

  • As this week is Climate Week North East Read, complete this  activity at home to monitor your family’s food waste:

  • Try and read at least one news report.
  • Look / listen out  for any reports in the newspapers, on the news on TV/Newsround or on the radio for any Climate /Weather related news that is not the weather forecast! Record the main points.
  • Continue to take part in as  many Random Acts of Kindness at home with your family and friends.

Homework wb 11.03.2019

Literacy Homework (Spellings to go out Tuesday 12.03!!!)

Children need to learn their spellings. There will continue to be a spelling test on a Friday however they all know that they can decide how they would like to learn these words. We have used many different activities in class and for homework over the last two terms, so children should be familiar with activities to use. If they are unsure, they can choose from this list:

  • Blue Vowels
  • Vowel Circle
  • Rainbow Write
  • Elkonin Boxes
  • Diacritical Marking

Or look back on previous homework posts, ask in class or use

this website for additional ideas:

Upcoming Competitions:

  • Begin thinking of your story for Explore Learning writing competition. (Optional theme: ‘A Chance to Change the World’)
  • Begin thinking of a news story for the P&J newspaper front cover competition (Optional theme; ‘Fighting for our Future’) 

Topic Homework

  • Read at least one news report.
  • Look / listen out  for any reports in the newspapers, on the news on TV/Newsround or on the radio for any Climate /Weather related news that is not the weather forecast! Record the main points.
  • Continue to take part in as many Random Acts of Kindness at home with your family and friends.


Homework wb 04.03.2019

Literacy Homework

Children need to learn their spellings. There will continue to be a spelling test on a Friday however they all know that they can decide how they would like to learn these words. We have used many different activities in class and for homework over the last two terms, so children should be familiar with activities to use. If they are unsure, they can choose from this list:

  • Blue Vowels
  • Vowel Circle
  • Rainbow Write
  • Elkonin Boxes
  • Diacritical Marking

Or look back on previous homework posts, ask in class or use

this website for additional ideas:

Upcoming Competitions:

  • Begin thinking of your story for Explore Learning writing competition.
  • Begin thinking of your news story for the P&J nespaper front cover competition

Topic Homework

  • Think about and take part in as many Random Acts of Kindness at home with your family and friends. Record any acts you carry out in your Homework jotter/ take photos of them happening / send a message on Class Dojo.

Homework wb 25.02.2019

Literacy Homework

Children need to learn their spellings. There will continue to be a spelling test on a Friday however they all know that they can decide how they would like to learn these words. We have used many different activities in class and for homework over the last two terms, so children should be familiar with activities to use. If they are unsure, they can choose from this list:

  • Blue Vowels
  • Vowel Circle
  • Rainbow Write
  • Elkonin Boxes
  • Diacritical Marking

Or look back on previous homework posts, ask in class or use

this website for additional ideas:

Topic Homework

Collect as many newspapers and newspaper headlines as you can. If you do not buy any papers, see if any friends or extended family have any, if not, collect headlines online. These headlines can be from whatever section of the paper: Main news, sport etc.

If you cannot take the paper to school, record at least 5 headlines in your jotter.

Another way to collect them could be by photograph on Class Dojo to me. Whatever is easiest for you and your families.

Homework wb 18.02.2019

Literacy Homework

Children need to learn their spellings. There will continue to be a spelling test on a Friday however they all know that they can decide how they would like to learn these words. We have used many different activities in class and for homework over the last two terms, so children should be familiar with activities to use. If they are unsure, they can choose from this list:

  • Blue Vowels
  • Vowel Circle
  • Rainbow Write
  • Elkonin Boxes
  • Diacritical Marking

Or look back on previous homework posts, ask in class or use this website for additional ideas:

Topic Homework

Using the interview template, in preparation for the Flatpack Opera coming to school this Wednesday afternoon, interview somebody about their life, their job and experiences. Ideally interview an older/ elderly person but if this cannot be done, the oldest person you know and can contact.

The interview can be done in person, email, phone, text message once the answers are recorded in some form for Friday 22.02.2019

Homework wb 28.01.2019

Literacy Homework

Children need to learn their spellings. There will continue to be a spelling test on a Friday however they all know that they can decide how they would like to learn these words. We have used many different activities in class and for homework over the last two terms, so children should be familiar with activities to use. If they are unsure, they can choose from this list:

  • Blue Vowels
  • Vowel Circle
  • Rainbow Write
  • Elkonin Boxes
  • Diacritical Marking

Or look back on previous homework posts, ask in class or use this

website for additional ideas:

Topic Homework

Create a piece of art in the style of Scottish artist Steven Brown. Here is a link to his website just in case you ant to have a look at his art again!

Canvas Prints

Homework wb 21.01.2019

Literacy Homework

Children need to learn their spellings. There will continue to be a spelling test on a Friday however they all know that they can decide how they would like to learn these words. We have used many different activities in class and for homework over the last two terms, so children should be familiar with activities to use. If they are unsure, they can choose from this list:

  • Blue Vowels
  • Vowel Circle
  • Rainbow Write
  • Elkonin Boxes
  • Diacritical Marking

Or look back on previous homework posts, ask in class or use this website for additional ideas:

Topic Homework

Each child needs to create a haggis as if it was a living animal.

Children chould chat about what their family members think it might look like. Come up with how many legs it would have, what kind of a face, what would it be like to touch.

This activity can be done in their jotter, or on a sheet of paper. It can also be made in 3d if anyone wants to be really creative.

It can be completed using pens, pencils or paint.If any paper or pens or pencils are required, children just have to ask me!

Homework wb 14.01.2019

Literacy Homework

Children need to learn their spellings. There will continue to be a spelling test on a Friday however they all know that they can decide how they would like to learn these words. We have used many different activities in class and for homework over the last two terms, so children should be familiar with activities to use. If they are unsure, they can choose from this list:

  • Blue Vowels
  • Vowel Circle
  • Rainbow Write
  • Elkonin Boxes
  • Diacritical Marking

Or look back on previous homework posts, ask in class or use this website for additional ideas:

Topic Homework

Each child needs to create / design a style of tartan. It can be the tartan of their own surname or a tartan that they like. They should involve the whole family when doing this. An idea might be to each choose a colour and a thickness (thin/thick ) and draw their own style of tartan using the colours and ideas from everyone within  the household. This activity can be done on a post-it, in their jotter, or on a sheet of paper. It can be completed using pens, pencils or paint.If any paper or pens or pencils are required, children just have to ask me!

I am hoping to incorporate more and more family orientated tasks to get everyone involved in what the children are learning about and what is going on in school.

My example:

Homework wb 10.12.2018

Literacy: to be completed for Friday 14.12.2018



1. Write out spellings 3 times using the Look, Cover, Write, Check method.

  • Look– Discuss the look of the word, some letters are tall, have tails, have words within words, silent letters etc.
  • Cover– Fold spelling sheet and keep out of sight.
  • Write– Write out the word as best as you can remember.
  • Check– Unfold spelling sheet and correct spellings, make any changes needed and continue onto the next word.

2. Learn for Friday

Fun Spelling Activity:  Three Times. 1. Write your words in pencil, 2. Write your words in colouring pencil, 3. Write your words in pen ( a writing pen).

Christmas Songs:

Remember to practise your words and practise a dance for the dance break!!