Category Archives: Big Maths Targets

CLIC Targets wb 06.05.2019

C– Counting: Squiggleworth (Step 4) : I can partition a 2dp number

 L– Learn Its: Step 9: x2 tables- full and 6+8=, 5+7=, 5+8=, 5+9=, 6+9=, 7+9=


I– It’s Nothing New: Fact Families (Step 5): I know Smile Multiplication fact families

 C– Calculations:  Addition (Step 30) I can 3d + 3d as money

CLIC Targets wb 25.03.2019

Revision of most areas we have completed this term’s targets!

C– Counting: CORE numbers (Step 6) : I can understand 1dp numbers

 L– Learn Its: Step 8: x5 tables- full and 5+4=, 5+6=, 6+7=, 8+7=, 8+9=

(Revising 9+3=, 8+3=, 9+4=, 8+4=, 7+4=, doubles to 20, ‘adding on 2 so 4+2, 5+2, 6+2, 7+2, 9+2’, ‘number bonds to 10’, ‘x5’, ‘x10’ tables, ‘2+3’, ‘2+1’)

I– It’s Nothing New: Where’s Mully (Step 1): I can find Mully using my tables

 C– Calculations: Column Methods: Subtraction (Step 4) I can solve any 3d-2d

CLIC Targets wb 18.03.2019

C– Counting: Squiggleworth (Step 4) : I can partition a 2dp number

 L– Learn Its: Step 7: x10 tables- full and 9+3=, 8+3=, 9+4=, 8+4=, 7+4=

(Revisingdoubles to 20, ‘adding on 2 so 4+2, 5+2, 6+2, 7+2, 9+2’, ‘number bonds to 10’, ‘x5’, ‘x10’ tables, ‘2+3’, ‘2+1’)

I– It’s Nothing New: Jigsaw Numbers (Step 4): I can find the missing piece to 1000

 C– Calculations: Column Methods: Addition (Steps 7) I can solve any 4d+2d or 3d.

CLIC Targets wb 11.03.2019

C– Counting: Counting Along (Step 4) : I can even count along when there are no lines

 L– Learn Its: Step 6: Doubles to 20; 6+6=12, 7+7=14. 8+8=16, 9+9=18

(Revising ‘adding on 2 so 4+2, 5+2, 6+2, 7+2, 9+2’, ‘number bonds to 10’, ‘x5’, ‘x10’ tables, ‘2+3’, ‘2+1’)

I– It’s Nothing New: Fact Families (Step 5): I know Smile Multiplication fact families. Example: 20×90=1800, 90×20=1800 etc.

 C– Calculations: Column Methods: Addition (Steps 5-6) I can solve any 3d + 3d (including what to do when units spill over into tens!)

CLIC Targets wb 04.03.2019

C– Counting: CORE Numbers (Step 6) : I can understand 1dp numbers. (Order the numbers by their whole numbers; then if they have the same whole number, order by the tenths digit.)

 L– Learn Its: Step 5: Adding on 2 so 4+2, 5+2, 6+2, 7+2, 9+2

(revising number bonds to 10, x5,x10 tables, 2+3, 2+1)


I– It’s Nothing New: Where’s Mully (Step 1): I can find Mully using my tables.

“He’s hiding behind the biggest multiple of ___without going past___, where’s Mully?”

Example: “He’s hiding behind the biggest multiple of 5 without going past 23, where’s Mully? Answer= 20

 C– Calculations: Column Methods: Addition (Steps 2-4) I can solve any 2d + 2d (including what to do when units spill over into tens!)

CLIC Targets wb 25.02.2019

C– Counting: Count Fourways (Step 6) : I can count in 0.25s (0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1)

 L– Learn Its: Step 4: Revisit x5 tables and number bonds to 10 (and doubles to 10 and 2+1=3, 2+3=5 in a click)

Making 10s game:

Challenge yourself by choosing making 20 or 100

I– It’s Nothing New: Coin Multiplication (Step 2): I know when to add 2 multiples together.

 C– Calculations: Column Methods: 

CLIC Targets wb 18.02.2019

C– Counting: Count Fourways (Step 6) : I can count in 0.5s

 L– Learn Its: Step 3: Revisit x10 tables and doubles to 10 and 2+1=3, 2+3=5 in a click

Counting in 10s game:


I– It’s Nothing New: Dividing by 10 (Step 2): I can divide whole numbers by 10 or 100 giving decimal answers. example: 135 divided by 10= 13.5

 C– Calculations: Division- 2, 3, 4 and 5 Times Tables (Step 19): I can combine 2 or more tables facts to solve division (with remainders)

CLIC Targets wb 28.01.2019

C– Counting: CORE numbers (Step 6) : I can understand 1dp numbers

 L– Learn Its: Step 14: x11 tables; with a particular focus on the rule for x10 a number and then he learning of both facts for 11×11 and 12×11

Challenge 1: Ask an adult to jumble up the questions and see if you can answer them

Challenge 2: Ask an adult to say the answer and you say the question.

I– It’s Nothing New: Smile Multiplication (Step 3): I can write Smile Multiplication fact families

 C– Calculations: Subtraction (Step 29): I can subtract with 3 digit numbers