Children are invited to bring 50p to school on Wednesday to support a charity event that some older children from the school are organising. Those children that bring money to school will be given the opportunity to guess the bunny’s birthday. The child that guesses the correct date will win the fluffy, cuddle bunny! All money raised is going to help families in Aberdeen City and Shire that have been affected by the recent floods.
Circle time
Today in circle time we continued to talk about how we can fix small worries or problems. This led onto a discussion about what makes a good/bad friend. We danced and listened to a great song about different types of friends. We all decided we should be like kangaroo or Jazzy Giraffe – please ask your child more about this. We also spoke about times that friends had made us sad or very, very happy. Here is a short video of us having fun with the song.
Click here to watch the video.
Homework wb 7.3.16
-Pandas and tigers: revision week for all sounds. Please focus on th, sh and ch. Many of us get muddled between the ‘th’ sound and the ‘f’ sound. Please reinforce this at home by reminding your child that we stick our tongue out slightly when making the th sound.
Pandas and tigers: you could try watching this ‘th’ video to help you develop your skills in using this sound.
Elephants: click hear to watch a video about the ‘ay’ sound. Try talking about the difference between ai words and ay words. Remember that words with the ay sound usually have their ay sound at the end of the word. Words with the ai spelling rule usually have their ai sound at the beginning or the middle of a word.
Food diary – please help your child keep a record of the number of pieces of fruit and vegetables they eat each day for a week. You should try starting it today. They should colour in one square on the graph that was sent home for each piece they eat. We are all aiming to eat more than 5 pieces a day. Please bring graphs/diaries back to school next Monday.
Food rubbish collecting – please bring in any clean packaging from food that have carbohydrates in them. We will be starting to learn about this on Tuesday. You could bring in pasta packets, cereal boxes, noodles, bread etc. Use the food plate below to help you get ideas (yellow section). We are trying to make our own healthy plate in school to help us learn more about being healthy.
Mini chefs!
Today we were learning more about fruits and vegetables. We even learned some French words for our favourite fruits. We were introduced to a healthy plate (NHS eat well plate) and we spoke about food that we should be eating a lot of everyday. We then worked with a partner to look on the internet to get some ideas of different fruits and vegetables. We drew the ones that we had found.
The best part of the lesson was making our own healthy snacks. We made fruit cups using a range of different fruits. We had to try to prepare the fruit cups for ourselves. We peeled, chopped and washed apples, mango, pineapple, strawberries, blueberries, banana, tangerines and pomegranate. We all enjoyed eating them!
Snowy fun
We were so excited when it started snowing very heavily this afternoon. We all dressed warmly and went outside to have some fun in the snow. Some of us attempted to make snowmen, caught snowflakes in our mouths and generally just hand fun! Timo had great fun sliding down on his bottom and many of us were excited to copy this!
Please note that if it continues to be snowy tomorrow we will definitely have some time playing outside. Please ensure your child has a warm, waterproof jacket, cosy shoes, gloves and a hat, and if possible waterproof trousers or salopettes. Thank you.
Magic snowflakes
Painting and Puzzles
We painted our 3D models this afternoon. We worked very well as part of a team! We are now very confident at identifying, naming and being creative with 3D shapes.
We also spent some time in the afternoon doing puzzles as we had recently told Mrs Duncan that we didn’t like puzzles and that we found them too tricky. We had definitely changed our minds by the end of the afternoon but for many of us this is an area for development. We should all be able to complete puzzles that are between 50-100 pieces. We will continue to work on this in class, feel free to also develop this at home.
Subtraction Video
We started our new maths topic today. We are learning abut taking away. We can call this subtract or minus too! We watched a great video that we all loved. We were eager for it to go on the Blog. Please click here to access it.
We have started thinking about taking away 1 using numberlines. We thought this was an easy strategy to use. You could reinforce this learning at home by asking your child various taking away 1 sums such as 9-1,5-1 etc. We also have been learning to solve sums where everything is taken away like 1-1, 4 million – 4 million, 3 hundred – 3 hundred etc.
Star writers!
Food, glorious, food!
Today we started our food topic. We had a competition to see how many fruits and vegetables we could name in five minutes. Elodie and Aila managed to write down 25 different fruits and vegetables.
Try zooming into the pictures below to see our very logical (and adorable) spelling!
We also learned that we should be trying to eat five fruits and
vegetables each day to keep our bodies healthy. Abbey told us this was because of the vitamins!
We tasted five different fruits and vegetables. We tried pomegranate, sugar snap peas, pineapple, mango and orange pepper. We looked on the Internet to see how each of these is grown.
On Thursday we are going to be making a healthy fruity snack!