Dairy foods

This afternoon we found out about the importance of dairy foods.  We learned that they help us to grow strong bones and teeth.  Many of us were amazed to discover that yogurts are made from milk which comes from cows!

We looked at the packaging of some yogurts and discussed which yoghurts would be the healthiest choices to have most days.  We then designed our own healthy yoghurts.  We hope to make these once the tummy bug has passed!

Click here to watch a video about dairy cows.

Our healthy plate

Our giant healthy plate is starting to look fantastic and clearly shows the healthy foods the children have been learning about.   We look forward to sharing this with you at the open day.


Today we we focussed on Carbohydrates.  We found out that they give us energy.   Please ask your child more about this.  They should all manage to tell you some foods that are carbohydrates.  We played a fun memory game in class today to help us remember them.

Star Writers

This week we wrote our own stories based on The Little Red Hen.  Our targets were to try re-telling the main parts of the story.  Many of us also experimented with different types of punctuation and with openers.

Here are our star writers for this week:

image image image image


Here is is our star drawer for this week. Please zoom in to look at the fantastic detail in his drawing!



The Little Red Hen

We have been learning about the way wheat is grown, harvested and made into some of our favourite foods. We watched the Little Red hen and wrote our own stories based on this. You can watch the video we used in class by clicking here.  You could try pointing out key words that your child knows as you watch it.

We hope to make bread soon too – once the tummy bug has stopped spreading! 🙂

Homework wb 14.3.16



Using the numberlines that have previously been sent home please try taking away 1 or 2 .   Parents: please remind your child that taking away 1 simply means we take 1 step down the numberline.  To subtract 2 we take two steps.  For a greater challenge you could try using the SPLAT square and use it to subtract 1 or 2.  Click here for the SPLAT square.

You could also try singing our current favourite subtraction song to help your child learn more about subtracting 1.  You could use family members, cuddly toys or fingers to be the monkeys.  Try emphasising to your child the sum that is happening at the end of each verse e.g. ‘there were 5  monkeys, take away 1…that makes……4!’  This is a fun way to encourage subtraction in a very visual way.

5 little monkeys

Five little monkeys sitting in a tree,
Teasing Mr. Crocodile: “You can’t catch me!”
Along comes Mr. Crocodile
As quiet as can be and…SNAP! He ate the monkey for his tea.

Four little monkeys sitting in a tree…
Three little monkeys sitting in a tree…
Two little monkeys sitting in a tree…

One little monkey sitting in a tree,
Teasing Mr. Crocodile: “You can’t catch me!”
Along comes Mr. Crocodile
As quiet as can be and….SNAP! He ate the monkey for his tea.

Possible extra challenge: we have recently tried changing the words of some of our favourite subtraction songs.  For example,  ‘…as quiet as can be and SNAP! He ate 4 monkeys for his tea.’  This helps introduce more complex taking away sums in a way that does not present too much challenge.

Please write a note in the reading record to confirm the homework has been completed as this can impact upon the follow up that is required in class.  Many parents are forgetting to do this and I am often unaware of who has completed their homework.  Thank you. 🙂


P1 numeracy evening

Please remember the numeracy event for P1 parents will take place tomorrow (Tuesday 8th March 2016) at 5pm.  Please enter through the main door and make your way through to the green unit.  We look forward to welcoming you all there.  Thank you.

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