Scottish children’s book awards

We had a great time at the Scottish children’s book awards at the beach ballroom today.  We listened extremely well to the three authors who spoke.  We heard the author of ‘Never tickle a Tiger,’ ‘Mouse’s first night at Moonlight School,’ and ‘Ralfy the book thief.’  We have been reading these books in class so were very excited to see these authors.  You will notice these books in the book bags that were sent home today.

Each author spoke to us, sang, read to us and asked us questions. We particularly liked the author of ‘Never tickle a tiger.’ She was very funny.  The authors gave us some tips for writing our own stories

Click here to see a video of us taking part in a song based on one of the stories we read.

Click here to listen to a song about the tiger who came to tea – Keir’s mummy I was told that you would like this! 🙂

We are in the process of writing our own book covers for ‘Never tickle a tiger.’  We will post some photos of them when we get them finished.  We have been trying hard to summarise/give clues when writing the blurb rather than telling the entire story.  Mrs Duncan was extremely proud of us all! 🙂


CVC words

We have been putting the Chinese containers that you collected to good use this week.  We are using them to store our magnetic letters.  Today we were focussing on making three or four letter words with  our letters.  We tried extremely hard to make sure we were saying the words slowly so that we could hear each sound.  We also  wrote each word.

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Even Batman had a go. 😀

Homework wb 23.11.15

This week is ‘Book Scotland’ week.  We will be focussing on reading for enjoyment at home and in school this week.  Each day the children will be given time to look at, and explore a variety of books for enjoyment.  This will be instead of our ‘normal’ reading this week.


Reading challenge – how many books can you read in a week? Using the reading record that was sent home please help your child keep a record of any books they read this week. These can be books they have ‘read’ themselves, books they have shared with an adult or sibling or magazines/comics.  The focus is reading for fun!  They can colour and decorate their reading record too.  The comment section should be used by the children and is to encourage them to be reflective.  They may wish to simple draw a smiley face, medium face, or sad face based on how much they enjoyed it.  Or they could use the traffic lights system we use in class: red – did not enjoy,  orange – it had some good bits, green – it was very good.

Bring your favourite book to school – please encourage your child to bring his/her favourite book to school on Tuesday of this week.  We will be storing them in our book corner all week and using them to develop our love for reading.  This will enable the children to be exposed to a wide variety of stories.  Please ensure all books are named.

New learn-its

  • 2+2=4
  • 3+3=6

New sounds and words – issued on Tuesday.  No new sounds for the elephants as it is revision week.

Friendship focus

We have been finding it difficult to talk about kind things that have happened in the playground.  We have been tending to focus on very small disagreements instead.   This week we have been trying to find and share kind things that our friends have said or done to help us get better at appreciating kindness.   Here are some of our comments:


  • Enzo is kind at playing with me.  Harry
  • Willow and Emily always play what I want to play.  Katie
  • Alex said he liked my painting.  Kian
  • Scott was being fun.  Axel
  • Axel was sitting next to me at singing.  Keir
  • Mara and Emily always play with me in the playground.  Abbey
  • Enzo shared his pens with me.  I shared my book.  Oliver.
  • Oliver said thank you when I shared my pens.  Enzo
  • Enzo is always kind to me.  Veer.

Maths activities

We are becoming much more confident adding two numbers together. This week the circles have been developing their skills in working out ‘rainbow 10s’.  These are the two numbers that go together to make ten. They have been learning to solve missing rainbow 10s numbers such as 6+?=10 using a variety of different materials and thinking processes.

The triangles are developing their skills in adding using cubes and their fingers. They enjoyed using the bean bags and roller to develop their skills in counting in 10s. They have also been learning to use numberlines to add 1 quickly.

Many of the children also chose to be a ‘teacher’ during maths time. They demonstrated a very good understanding of new maths concepts which they confidently taught to others.

Here are a selection of maths photos from this week.


Reminder for the Beach Ballroom trip

P1D will be visiting the beach ballroom on Wednesday 25th November to attend the children’s literacy awards.  Please ensure your child arrives to school promptly on this day.  We will be having a late snack so please encourage your child to eat a big breakfast on Wednesday morning. School uniform must be worn.

I have spoken to the parent helpers that we require for the trip.  If I did not speak to you about the trip then you are not required.  Thank you very much for your offer to help – I was overwhelmed by the amount of offers we received!  We have limited spaces on the bus and in the beach ballroom.

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