Active Spelling Week 2

We enjoyed exploring our active spelling stations and managed to focus and remain at an activity for longer than last week.  We used cooked spaghetti to make our spelling words too.  Some of us thought this was great, others were less enthusiastic! 🙂

We also used some retro stationary from Mrs Duncan’s era: magic pens.  These change colours when the magic pen is written on top.  They caused a lot of excitement and were great for developing fine motor skills as the children had to carefully trace over each word they made.

Homework wb 19.1.16

New sounds and new words – these will be issued on Tuesday.

Reading – please see reading diaries.


Circles – use the numberlines and sums that were sent home to try and solve the sums on the whiteboards (these were sent home in the book bags a number of weeks ago).  Try cutting up the sums and scattering them on a table.  Get your child to choose a sum. These are missing number sums.  They are tricky for us to work out but we enjoy the challenge.  If the sum is 6+_ = 10 we place a finger on 6 and count how many steps it takes to get to 10. 1 step would take us to 7, 2 steps to 8 and so on.  In time, this skill will enable us to work out the sum mentally by picturing the numberline in our minds. Your child would then write the completed sum on their mini whiteboard.  Your child was given a whiteboard pen in the story sacks that were recently sent home. Please encourage correct number formation.  We are trying to remember that all numbers, with the exception of 5, start at the top. You could also try playing the websites from last week.  You can keep the numberlines at home for future maths homework.

Triangles – rainbow number writing.  Using a range of coloured pencils, pens, paints or crayons please help your child to form all numbers from 0 to 10 correctly.  They should then trace over each number they write with five different colours.   This is called rainbow writing – we do this in school to help with number and letter formation.  Please encourage your child to start all letters at the top, with the exception of number 5. Number 1 is just a straight line and for number five we draw the ‘neck’ and ‘big tummy’ first and then draw the ‘hat.’

Please sign the reading diary to acknowledge that the homework has been done.  Thank you.


Scottish County Dancing

Our focus for PE with Mrs Duncan is Scottish Country dancing.  Today we explored Scottish music and tried to move our bodies quickly or slowly to the music depending on the speed of the song. We played musical bumps and musical statues to help us explore this in a fun way.  Mrs Strachan’s P1 class joined us too.  It was delightful to watch the children choosing to hold hands and dance together!

Maths Activities

The triangles revised some key addition strategies in different games today.  They are becoming more confident using their fingers – you can help them with this at home.

The circles continue to learn new strategies for working out the different ways of making 10. Today they had a competition to see which group could match up the different ways to make 10 the fastest. Here are the winners:

Star writers for this week

We wrote non-fiction stories this week.  We used information we learned from watching ‘Walking with dinosaurs.’  We all worked very hard to achieve our targets !

Congratulations to Keir, Oliver, Mara and Erin who were the star writers for our writing session this week.  They worked very hard to meet their targets independently. Here are their stories:

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Fossil fun

Today we watched some clips from ‘Walking with dinosaurs’ to find out what the world was like when dinosaurs roamed the earth.  We were all surprised to learn that humans did not live at the same time as the dinosaurs.  This prompted a very interesting discussion on what humans have created that would not have been around during the dinosaur period.

We were unsure how humans know about dinosaurs if they did not live at the same time.  This led us onto a big chat about fossils.  We watched an animation and looked at pictures online to see some examples of fossils.

Then we made our own fossils using clay.  We worked hard to manipulate and soften the clay.  We used different tools to create a flat shape for making a fossil.  We then used a range of dinosaur toys, bones and shells to create different fossils.  We all enjoyed it and are looking forward to painting out fossils next week.


Our dinosaur topic

We always start a new topic with a discussion on what we already know.  We do this for all curricular areas and particularly for topic work.  This enables the children to share their own learning to ensure that activities planned provide an appropriate challenge.  It also allows me to see if any gaps (or muddled ideas) need to be explored.  This is what we already know about dinosaurs:



As you can see we already know a huge amount of information about dinosaurs.  You can also see there are some gaps in our understanding – almost all of us think cavemen lived during the dinosaurs lifetime.  Many of us think that T-Rex would eat humans! 🙂

We also chatted about what we want to find out about dinosaurs.  Many of us showed an interest in finding out more about dinosaur babies and eggs.



Changes to this term

The boys and girls have been talking about rules, rewards for good behaviour and what might happen if you continue to break rules.  The children decided that they do not want to use the daily yellow books for green dots anymore.  They decided they would rather get a special sticker at the end of the week if they had managed to get all of their golden time. This will be implemented immediately.

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