3D Shape

Mrs Duncan was very impressed with our knowledge of 3D shapes today.  Almost all of us could identify some differences between 2D and 3D shapes.  We all tried to describe different shapes whilst playing a hiding game.

Our main maths activity today was to sort 3D shapes into hoops depending on whether they were good at rolling or stacking.  We had a lot of discussion about how the hoops should be positioned to make sure all shapes would have somewhere to go.  We learned that this was called a Venn diagram.  We had to do some tricky problem solving to find out which shapes were good for building, rolling or both.  The cone was the trickiest shape to position.  Erin and Ava decided it should go outside of the hoops because it wasn’t good for rolling or stacking.  Good thinking girls!

Literacy activities

Today the pandas and tigers were learning about the ch sound.  The elephants were learning about another way of making the ee sound: ea.  The most popular activity today was the iPads.  We were using them to reinforce all of the letters in the alphabet.  The app we used was alpha blocks – you could try downloading at home if you wish.


Volcano Experiments

Here are the videos of our volcano experiments.  Apologies for the poor video quality – the children were desperate for these to go on the blog.  It was challenging to put the mentoes in whilst filming! 🙂

Click here to watch the video.

After the experiment the children enjoyed having free exploration with the coke and mentoes to see if they could make any more eruptions occur.  They found out that once the experiment had happened once you could not get it to happen again with the same coke and mentoes.  The children decided that this was because the mentoes had ‘got all of the fizz out.’  What clever little scientists!

Circle Time

We have been finding it difficult to solve very small disputes with our friends.  In circle time we played games and chatted to help us get better at this.  We were given a variety of problems and we had to try and solve them with our friends.  We were reminded that if any problem, big or small, is worrying us a lot we can always tell Mrs Duncan.

Star Writers

Here are our very proud star writers from this week.  We can’t show you our writing yet because it is top secret!  (Although, I am doubtful how many of the children will manage to keep it secret!) :)You will get it sent home to you very soon.



Most of us were working hard to achieve these targets today:


Volcano Experiment


Today we have been learning about how the dinosaurs died out.  We did some experiments to find out more about volcanoes.  We loved doing the mentoes volcano experiment.

The children were desperate for the instructions to go on the blog so that they could try the experiment at home.  They helped me write the instructions written below.

What you need

  • A bottle of diet coke
  • sweeties – mentoes
  • a big space outside

What to do

  1. Put the bottle on a flat place on the ground
  2. Take the lid off
  3. Take the mentoes out of the packet and put them in your hand
  4. Put some mentoes in the bottle
  5. Run!

Top Safety tips

  • A grown-up must be with us
  • The grown up must put the mentoes in
  • You must take the lid off

Homework wb 22.2.16


New Sounds

New words

Name writing.  One of our most recent  targets  is to write our full names.  We have been practising this in our play contexts.  Please help your child write his/her first and last name this week.  The children have been trying to ensure that:

  • Their letters are of the correct size e.g. capital letters should be taller, the letter a is the same size as the letter e etc
  • Their letters are correctly formed.  Remember the letters a, o, g, d, q are caterpillar c letters.  This means that we start the letter by writing a curly c.  Your child should be able to explain this further.
  • They have a finger space between their first name and their surname.
  • The correct letters stretch to the sky, dig underground or stay in the grass.  For example, the letters l, b and d stretch to the sky.   The letter e stays in the grass and the letter y digs underground.  Again, your child should be able to explain this further.

Initially, your child may need to copy his/her full name.  Gradually, this support could be withdrawn so that your child is able to confidently write his/her name independently.


Please ensure you have completed last weeks 3D shape homework – this is explained on a previous blog post.  Several children have not yet completed it.  Thank you.

Dinosaur typing

Today we were developing our skills in typing using Clicker 6.  We all managed to type the name of our favourite dinosaur.  We also changed the style, size and colour of our writing.  We were most excited about printing our work! We thought Mrs Duncan was a magic teacher when she said ‘Abracadabra’ and her writing game shooting out of the printer! 😃

Here is the finished product:


We are going to use this for some data handling maths work next week.


Have a great long weekend everyone! 😃





Problem Solving

We have been learning that problem solving means doing very clever thinking to fix a problem.  Today we developed our problem solving skills using the iPads.  We used a fantastic app called ‘Free flow.’ We had to match up the colours – it got very tricky once we made our way through the higher levels.  Some of us got up to level 27! If you are going to download this app at home please be aware that it does have some adverts from external apps so you may wish to supervise iPad time.

We also used the BeeBots.  We had to program them to move in different directions.  We are going to explore these further in the play contexts over the next few weeks.  The BeeBots are available as an app – it is great for problem solving!

Our last activity was using different construction that was more challenging to fit together.  The marble run was particularly popular!

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