All posts by Mrs Duncan

Homework wb 14.3.16



Using the numberlines that have previously been sent home please try taking away 1 or 2 .   Parents: please remind your child that taking away 1 simply means we take 1 step down the numberline.  To subtract 2 we take two steps.  For a greater challenge you could try using the SPLAT square and use it to subtract 1 or 2.  Click here for the SPLAT square.

You could also try singing our current favourite subtraction song to help your child learn more about subtracting 1.  You could use family members, cuddly toys or fingers to be the monkeys.  Try emphasising to your child the sum that is happening at the end of each verse e.g. ‘there were 5  monkeys, take away 1…that makes……4!’  This is a fun way to encourage subtraction in a very visual way.

5 little monkeys

Five little monkeys sitting in a tree,
Teasing Mr. Crocodile: “You can’t catch me!”
Along comes Mr. Crocodile
As quiet as can be and…SNAP! He ate the monkey for his tea.

Four little monkeys sitting in a tree…
Three little monkeys sitting in a tree…
Two little monkeys sitting in a tree…

One little monkey sitting in a tree,
Teasing Mr. Crocodile: “You can’t catch me!”
Along comes Mr. Crocodile
As quiet as can be and….SNAP! He ate the monkey for his tea.

Possible extra challenge: we have recently tried changing the words of some of our favourite subtraction songs.  For example,  ‘…as quiet as can be and SNAP! He ate 4 monkeys for his tea.’  This helps introduce more complex taking away sums in a way that does not present too much challenge.

Please write a note in the reading record to confirm the homework has been completed as this can impact upon the follow up that is required in class.  Many parents are forgetting to do this and I am often unaware of who has completed their homework.  Thank you. 🙂


P1 numeracy evening

Please remember the numeracy event for P1 parents will take place tomorrow (Tuesday 8th March 2016) at 5pm.  Please enter through the main door and make your way through to the green unit.  We look forward to welcoming you all there.  Thank you.

Flood Charity – guess the bunny’s birthday.

Children are invited to bring 50p to school on Wednesday to support a charity event that some older children from the school are organising.   Those children that bring money to school will be given the opportunity to guess the bunny’s birthday.  The child that guesses the correct date will win the fluffy, cuddle bunny!  All money raised is going to help families in Aberdeen City and Shire that have been affected by the recent floods.

Circle time

Today in circle time we continued to talk about how we can fix small worries or problems.  This led onto a discussion about what makes a good/bad friend. We danced and listened to a great song about different types of friends. We all decided we should be like kangaroo or Jazzy Giraffe – please ask your child more about this.  We also spoke about times that friends had made us sad or very, very happy.  Here is a short video of us having fun with the song.

Click here to watch the video.


Homework wb 7.3.16


-Pandas and tigers: revision week for all sounds.    Please focus on th, sh and ch.  Many of us get muddled between the ‘th’ sound and the ‘f’ sound.  Please reinforce this at home by reminding your child that we stick our tongue out slightly when making the th sound.

Pandas and tigers: you could try watching this ‘th’ video to help you develop your skills in using this sound.

Elephants: click hear to watch a video about the ‘ay’ sound.  Try talking about the difference between ai words and ay words.  Remember that words with the ay sound usually have their ay sound at the end of the word.  Words with the ai spelling rule usually have their ai sound at the beginning or the middle of a word.


Food diary – please help your child keep a record of the number of pieces of fruit and vegetables they eat each day for a week.   You should try starting it today.  They should colour in one square on the graph that was sent home for each piece they eat.  We are all aiming to eat more than 5 pieces a day.  Please bring graphs/diaries back to school next Monday.

Food rubbish collecting – please bring in any clean packaging from food that have carbohydrates in them.  We will be starting to learn about this on Tuesday.  You could bring in pasta packets, cereal boxes, noodles, bread etc.  Use the food plate below to help you get ideas (yellow section).  We are trying to make our own healthy plate in school to help us learn more about being healthy.


Mini chefs!

Today we were learning more about fruits and vegetables.  We even learned some French words for our favourite fruits.  We were introduced to  a healthy plate (NHS eat well plate) and we spoke about food that we should be eating a lot of everyday.  We then worked with a partner to look on the internet to get some ideas of different fruits and vegetables.  We drew the ones that we had found.

The best part of the lesson was making our own healthy snacks.  We made fruit cups using a range of different fruits.  We had to try to prepare the fruit cups for ourselves.  We peeled, chopped and washed apples, mango, pineapple, strawberries, blueberries, banana, tangerines and pomegranate.  We all enjoyed eating them!