All posts by Mrs Duncan

Gym Shoes

Many of the children have been having difficulty running safely in gym recently due to the lack of Velcro left on their gym shoes.  It would appear that the gym shoes shown below have much stronger Velcro enabling the wearer to run faster and more safely.  Some of the shoes particularly those that appear to be aimed at girls have not been offering the same level of support during gym lessons, and many of the girls have to constantly stop to re-fasten their shoes. You may wish to bear this in mind if shopping during the holidays.  🙂 Children are also welcome to bring more supportive trainers to use as an indoor/gym shoe if you prefer – preferably in a dark colour.

The final stages in our bread making

Today we finished making our bread.  The yeast had helped the bread to rise over night.  We shaped it into small roll shaped balls and popped it on a baking tray.  Some of us took it into the kitchen and put it in the special bread oven.

In the afternoon we chose from a selection of spreads and tried our bread.  It was delicious. We were all so proud of how it had turned out! If you would like to try it at home click here for the recipe. You may wish to adjust the salt slightly – our bread turned out to be quite salty.

Our end of term evaluation

We looked at all the photographs on the Blog from this term and had a chat about all the activities we have been involved in.   We made a big list of all the things we had learned, our favourite activities and some things that we would like to do next term.

We have learned:

  • You need to have 5 fruits and vegetables every day.  Sancha
  • how to type.  Abbey
  • To build dinosaurs using lego.  Enzo
  • Jesus was put on a cross at Easter time.  Kian
  • How to take away.  Mara
  • We roll egss just like the rock in front of the cave that Jesus was in.  Alex
  • How to make the sound ‘sh’.  Elodie
  • 3D shapes in maths.  Aaryn
  • That Jesus died at Easter.  Erin


Our favourite things this term were:

  • learning about dinosaurs.  Angus
  • Making food.  Emily
  • getting to type dinosaur names on the computer.  Scott
  • having an Easter egg hunt.  Axel
  • making Easter cards at the drawing table.  Neve
  • learning about Scotland.  Harry
  • digging up the fossils outside.  Max
  • learning about dinosaurs.  Timo

Next, we would like to:

  • have an adventure in the woods.  Katie
  • Go to ‘The Hub’ and have a look around.  Oliver
  • learn more about bread.  Holly
  • learn about electricity.  Keir
  • learn more about hard lava when it’s cold.  Aila
  • Go to the woods.  Ava

We have decided that our project next term should be ‘The Forest’!

Following a recipe

Today our reading task was to follow a recipe for making bread.  This was something we had been looking forward to for a while.  We had to carefully read the recipe to make sure we were using the correct ingredients in the correct order.  We worked hard to spell trickier words and did very careful measuring.

Open Day

Thank you to all of those who came to the open day last week.  The children, I am sure you will all agree, were the perfect hosts and were very eager to share their achievements with you all throughout the day.

Here is a small selection of photos from the day.

Homework w.b. 28.3.16


Please bring in a wrapper from your favourite chocolate bar, sweetie or crisps for our healthy eating plate.


As part of our continued effort to develop our skills in completing jigsaw puzzle,  we are going to have a puzzle afternoon this week.   Please could all children bring their favourite jigsaw puzzle to school on Wednesday to share with their friends.  These will be returned home on Thursday or Friday.

Open Day Evaluation

If you did not complete an open day evaluation please do so using the one that was sent home today.  Please return them by Wednesday.   Please note they have two sides, one for parental feedback, and one for child feedback.  Many thanks.

Easter Celebrations

Today we decorated hard boiled eggs as part of our Easter celebrations.  We have been learning why rolling eggs is significant at Easter. Tomorrow we hope to take our eggs to the field to roll them.  We are going to do this with P1W.  The Easter bunny might have visited the field before we go over! 🙂 Please ensure your child has a warm jacket with them to keep them cosy on their egg adventures.


Star Writers

We worked extra hard on our story writing this week because we were eager to be the star writers for open day! 🙂

This week we re-wrote the Easter story.  We all have a very clear understanding of at least one important part from the Easter story!










Here is our star drawer! Hasn’t Kian done a wonderful picture of Jesus? I love the expression on his face on the cross! 🙂


Wear a funny hat day

In addition to the open day, Thursday is also ‘Wear a funny hat day.’ This is in aid of a brain cancer charity and children are invited to wear a funny hat and bring £1 to school.  Here is a clue about Mrs Duncan’s funky hat (Axel – you will love it!)



The Easter Story

We have been learning about the Easter story.  We have been finding out why Easter is important to Christians.  We have been sharing our own experiences of celebrating on the blog and in class.  Please try to reply to the homework post about your child’s celebrations if you have not already done so.

We tried to re-tell the story in groups during a drama lesson outside.  Tomorrow we plan to write our own versions of the Easter story.  You will be able to see these on Thursday at the open day!