All posts by Mrs Duncan

Children’s Rights

This term we will be chatting about children’s rights during circle time.

Today we spoke about fairness and found out that being treated fairly was one of our rights.  We all tried to share an example of when we were treated fairly or unfairly.  We are going to try and treat each other fairly in class – this could also be reinforced at home.  Look out for your child coming home with a special ‘I treated someone fairly’ sticker.

Here are a selection of our own experiences of being treated unfairly or fairly:




Immediately after circle time the children all strived towards being extremely fair friends.  Willow decided that since Keir shared his pine cones she should tidy his rubbish.  Many friends said that tomorrow they needed to try and be kind to Angus because he had helped them to get their packed lunches – they thought that by ‘paying back’ a favour they were being fair! 🙂  Oliver was fair to his friends by letting them in front of him when we lined up.  Aaryn and Erin were fair to everyone by holding the doors open for the entire class. We also played fairly during a running game after circle time.  Well done everyone! Keep it up!

Star Writers

This week we wrote personal stories about our holidays.  Many of us were able to confidently use openers and connectives.  Some of us chose to experiment with different types of punctuation too!

Here are the star writers:


Here is our star drawer:


Literacy Term 4

This term we will learn to become increasingly independent in all literacy tasks. We will have the opportunity to develop our skills in supporting and teaching our friends each week during our magnetic spelling activities. We started this today.  We had to collect all 26 letters of the alphabet first and arrange them in alphabetical order. We were wonderfully supportive to each other.  We then tried reading a word to a friend and got him/her to try making the word. Some words were very long!

The elephants also found out about a special story (mnemonic) that could help them learn how to spell ‘because’ correctly. Try asking them more about this at home. They tried to beat each other by racing to write ‘because’ as many times as they could manage in 1 minute.  They displayed their usual competitive attitudes! ! 🙂 We will be creating our own special (mnemonic) story on Thursday!


Term 4

This term:

  • We will have PE on Thursdays and Fridays.  Please ensure your child has their PE kit in school everyday.  We will also have games outside every Friday afternoon – you may wish to send trainers to school on a Friday for this.  I hope to teach the children how to play rounders.  We will also have dance every Tuesday.
  • We will continue to go to library every Friday.  Children will only be issued with a new book if they have returned their book from the previous week.
  • Reading will be on Mondays and Thursdays.  Please check the reading diaries/record for more information.
  • Homework will continue to be issued on a Monday via the school Blog.  Please check the Blog every Monday.
  • We will be doing a mini forest topic.  This will involve 4-6 sessions in the forest.   More information to follow.
  • We will be trialing a new online reading programme for extra literacy revision.  This will require the children to log in for approximately 20 minutes per week.  More information to follow.
  • We will continue to be learning a new sound most weeks with revision weeks dispersed throughout the term.  The elephants and tigers will no longer be getting their sound books updated each week.  This is because they are progressing beyond the sounds provided on the sound sheets.   Instead their new sounds will be posted on the Blog with possible activities to try.  New words will continue to be sent home for the pandas and tigers.

Homework wb 18.4.16

Welcome back!  I hope you all had a great Easter break.  I can’t believe we are into the final term already!

This week we are starting a new online reading package for work at home and in school.  It is called ‘Teach your monster to read’.  The game allows children to have their own individualised log in and to work at a pace that suits them.  The games must be carried out on a desktop PC or a laptop – they will not work on a tablet, yet.  As with all online homework, children should be closely supervised.

Your child will have their own personalised log in sent home with them on Monday.  Please keep this in a safe place.

This week please try:

  • Logging in with your child (more than once).  Encourage him to use his/her password and type his/her name with increasing independence.   This will allow him/her to develop their independence in logging in at school which will make life for Mrs Duncan much easier! 🙂
  • Helping your child create his/her monster.  This will be the graphic they use for the entire game.
  • Play 1 or 2 games at the most.  I do not want the children to race ahead at this stage.  Once we become more independent and confident users we will be able to work at a more personalised pace.
  • Writing a comment letting me know how your child got on either on the Blog or in the homework diary.

Additional Homework

  • Please revise the three most recent sound we have been focusing on.  Elephants: ow (as in snow), ay (as in play) and ph.  Pandas and Tigers:  wh, qu and th.  You could hunt for them in reading books, watch Alphablocks YouTube episodes based on the sound (search for alphablocks ay for example) or find toys or objects that contain the sounds .  You could also try spelling some words on mini whiteboards.
  • Reading – reading will be on Monday and Thursday this term.

Star Writers

This week we wrote recipes for the bread that we had made yesterday.  We all worked hard to use special recipe ‘openers’ for the start of our sentences.  We also had to try and make our recipes easy to follow and to make our pictures clear and detailed.  We all worked very hard to achieve our targets!

The recent oral and written feedback from the children suggests that they were most proud of sharing their story writing with you at open day.  It is wonderful that the children are all so enthusiastic and proud of their writing pieces.  It makes Mrs Duncan a very proud teacher – well done everyone!






Mini Masterchefs!

We made a healthy dairy snack today as we have been learning why dairy products are important.  We have also been finding out where and how dairy products are produced.  We worked in groups to chop and prepare a selection of fruits.  We added some low-fat natural yoghurt and then, for our favourite part, we blended it using the electric whisk. We were delighted to use this!

This lucky little chap helped Mrs Duncan with the washing up by licking out the bowl…..



We also made use of the fantastic selection of puzzles that the children had brought in to share with their friends.  They were all very eager to show their friends how their puzzles fitted together – it was lovely to see them sharing so nicely!



Easter fun

Last week we had great fun celebrating Easter with P1W. We went to the field and rolled our eggs.  We also had an Easter egg hunt and hunted for chocolate eggs that the Easter bunny had hidden for us.  We have been learning about the significance of these traditions.