All posts by Mrs Duncan

Homework this week (28.9.15)

New sounds – these will be issued on Tuesday.

New words in word book.

Pirate sound treasure hunt.  Use the treasure maps that were sent home. Please return these to school on Friday.

Reading will be on Monday and Wednesday.  Please ensure reading records are sent to school every day.

Please write a short note in the reading record informing me how your child got on with this weeks tasks and reading.  Thank you.

Star writers this week

We wrote stories about Itchy Bear this week.  We all tried to finish a sentence or write our own sentence.  Our target was to add lots of detail to our pictures.  We all peer marked our writing and voted for the star writers.  We made very good decisions when voting! You will be able to see all of our stories when you come to open day next week.

Here are our star writers.





Our favourite videos of the week

This week we have been watching videos to help us recognise different things that start with our focus sounds.  The children can access them by clicking the links below.

The links will take them to YouTube so, as with all Internet homework, please monitor them closely.

Are you ready for ‘R’? – I warn you that this song is VERY catchy! 🙂  Click here to watch it.

Mighty ‘M’ – please click here to watch it.

After watching the videos you could try chatting about all the different things on the video that start with that letter.  You could go on a hunt around your house to find more!  Please write a note in the reading record if you and your child enjoyed/accessed these videos.

Maths games

We have been learning to play new maths games.  We really like the Lego building game and it has helped us get better at using words like add and take away.  We are also learning to take turns and follow rules with less adult support.  We look forward to playing our new games with you at the open night next week!





Adding stories



We we have been making  the number stories for numbers up to 6.  We are learning how we can combine different numbers to make the number stories.  Today we made ladybirds to show different ways of making 6 – hopefully you will be able to see them at the open day next week.



Revision week

This week (wb 21.9.15)  is revision week.  Please try revisiting all sounds and words that have been taught up to this point.  You could try using the  websites we have been using in class to help with the revision.  I have put links to our two favourite websites in the navigation panel on the left hand side.  Look for ‘pirate reading game’ or ‘Phoneme Pop.’  Unfortunately, these links do not appear on an iPad or smart phone.  If you can not get it to work please write a note in the reading records and I can give you the website address.  Your child may need adult help with the pirate game.

Or you could try using some of the websites or resources that have been sent home previously.  As always, please write a note in the reading record informing me how your child has got on.  Many thanks.

We will all be getting reading books this week (wb 21.9.15). 🙂

Library visit

We visited the library today.  We were really excited to see the changes or to visit it for the first time.  We had some quiet time looking at books and then read a story.  We chose some books and toys to take back to the classroom to make our story corner even better.



