All posts by Mrs Duncan


We stared a mini maths topic on measurement today. We will participate in several measuring activities related to the theme of dinosaurs over the next few weeks.  Today we measured in T-Rex feet.  These feet were more than a meter long! We worked in small groups to measure a range of large objects in the classroom.  We had to do good teamwork to make sure we were doing accurate measuring by not leaving any gaps in our measurements.  The biggest thing we measured was the whole classroom.  It was 19 T-Rex feet long!

We recorded all of our measurements in a table. We did a fantastic job of sounding out the different objects we were measuring – look closely at the photographs to see our adorable (and logical) spellings!

Olympics 2016 here we come!

We have been doing gymnastics in PE.  Today we learned how to correctly perform forward rolls.  We then tried these off a bench or down a slight slope.

Apologies for the poor photography skills today.  We were so quick that Mrs Duncan found it difficult to capture us!

Star writers

Today we continued our writing theme of non-fiction dinosaur stories.  We tried to write  one or two true facts from a film and book we shared together.  They were all about dinosaur babies.  We found out that a dinosaur mummy would lay 100 eggs in a nest.  We were shocked to learn that many dinosaur mummies abandoned their eggs before they hatched.   Many of us are now writing two sentences independently!

We chose the stories that we thought had met the targets and then chose four star writers.  It was tricky for us to remember that we were looking for the best writing and not the best drawings – we will continue to work on this.  Here are our star writers for this week…

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Golden time

We had hoped to have golden time outside today but the weather was not great.  This was despite Erin and Timo’s efforts to change the weather with their magic powers!

We went to the ICT suite instead and could choose what we did on the computer.  Some of us created pictures, typed or played games.  It was lots of fun.  A great end to a great week! Well done everyone!


Top table

This week the top table were the blue table.  They broke previous records with their staggering total of 218 cubes! Well done blue table! Their prize is to have a special stationary box at their table containing pink glue, fancy pens, space pencils and twisty crayons.  They were delighted with this.  They also get to line up first all of next week.

Here they are…

Active Spelling Week 2

We enjoyed exploring our active spelling stations and managed to focus and remain at an activity for longer than last week.  We used cooked spaghetti to make our spelling words too.  Some of us thought this was great, others were less enthusiastic! 🙂

We also used some retro stationary from Mrs Duncan’s era: magic pens.  These change colours when the magic pen is written on top.  They caused a lot of excitement and were great for developing fine motor skills as the children had to carefully trace over each word they made.

Homework wb 19.1.16

New sounds and new words – these will be issued on Tuesday.

Reading – please see reading diaries.


Circles – use the numberlines and sums that were sent home to try and solve the sums on the whiteboards (these were sent home in the book bags a number of weeks ago).  Try cutting up the sums and scattering them on a table.  Get your child to choose a sum. These are missing number sums.  They are tricky for us to work out but we enjoy the challenge.  If the sum is 6+_ = 10 we place a finger on 6 and count how many steps it takes to get to 10. 1 step would take us to 7, 2 steps to 8 and so on.  In time, this skill will enable us to work out the sum mentally by picturing the numberline in our minds. Your child would then write the completed sum on their mini whiteboard.  Your child was given a whiteboard pen in the story sacks that were recently sent home. Please encourage correct number formation.  We are trying to remember that all numbers, with the exception of 5, start at the top. You could also try playing the websites from last week.  You can keep the numberlines at home for future maths homework.

Triangles – rainbow number writing.  Using a range of coloured pencils, pens, paints or crayons please help your child to form all numbers from 0 to 10 correctly.  They should then trace over each number they write with five different colours.   This is called rainbow writing – we do this in school to help with number and letter formation.  Please encourage your child to start all letters at the top, with the exception of number 5. Number 1 is just a straight line and for number five we draw the ‘neck’ and ‘big tummy’ first and then draw the ‘hat.’

Please sign the reading diary to acknowledge that the homework has been done.  Thank you.


Scottish County Dancing

Our focus for PE with Mrs Duncan is Scottish Country dancing.  Today we explored Scottish music and tried to move our bodies quickly or slowly to the music depending on the speed of the song. We played musical bumps and musical statues to help us explore this in a fun way.  Mrs Strachan’s P1 class joined us too.  It was delightful to watch the children choosing to hold hands and dance together!