All posts by Mrs Duncan

Our Dinosaur topic Evaluation

We amazed Mrs Duncan with all of the fantastic facts we had found out about dinosaurs.  Here they are:

  • People found fossils of dinosaurs.  Sancha
  • Fossils turned into rocks.  Timo
  • The minerals came and made it (bones) into stone.  Abbey
  • The land was all stuck together (when the dinosaurs were alive).  Elodie
  • There was no grass.  Oliver
  • There was no people.  Angus
  • There is no such thing as a pterodactyl.  Enzo.  (This prompted a very sweet debate).  Axel: I searched it on the internet and there is such a thing as Pterodactyls.  Abbey:  Pterodactyls are actually a group of dinosaurs.
  • A plant or tree is at at the start of a food chain.  Alex
  • They get their food from the sun.  Enzo
  • The rain was their water.  Sancha.
  • The plant eater eats a plant, then a meateater comes and eats the planteater.  No one eats the meateater.  It’s at the top (of the food chain).  Oliveer
  • The mummy dinosaur has a special tube.  Sancha
  • The baby dinosaur  has a special tooth to get out.  Oliver
  • The eggs were hard.  Alex.
  • Sometimes meatereaters eat the eggs.  Emily.
  • That was sad.  Sancha
  • The mummy went away from her eggs.  Holly
  • She’s a bad mum.  Axel
  • After the mummy put soil on them, she left, she went with her friends.  Aaryn
  • After they hatched they (baby dinosaurs) wanted to hide and eat.  Max.
  • The dinosaurs hid when the asteroid came.  Katie
  • The asteroid came and made the volcanoes go.  They erupted.  Ava
  • The sea didn’t break when the asteroid came.  It was shielded.  Angus
  • The dust (from the asterid)  covered up the sun.  Mara
  • Then the plants died.  Enzo
  • ‘Cos they needed sun.  Angus
  • The plant eaters died.  Keir
  • Then the meateaters died because they didn’t have meat.  Max
  • The lava came out, the dinosaurs ran.  Some got dead by lava, some got dead by dust.  Neve
  • Earthquakes came.  Mara

What a clever bunch we are!! I am sure you (mums and dads) will learn something new by reading our facts!

Our new topic

We have voted for our new topic!  Mrs Duncan explained that our new topic has to be linked to being healthy as we have not learned much about this yet.  We gave some great suggestions and then voted for our favourite.  We made a graph on the whiteboard to help us understand which topic was the most popular.   Our new topic is:  FOOD!

our new topic

Circle time

We had some more good discussions about our problems and worries during circle time today.  We made a big list of our biggest school worries and problems.  We also counted the number of people who sometimes had these worries or problems.  Next week we are going to start solving these problems by thinking about solutions or strategies to make them smaller worries.

We also played some games to help us become more comfortable chatting in a circle.  Axel and Elodie were the top detectives and frogs in our favourite game!

Here are our biggest worries:


3D shapes

We built upon our learning from yesterday by using our knowledge of 3D shapes to build some wonderfully detailed junk models.  Our target was to use 2 or more different types of shapes and to do Mrs Duncan’s favourite thing: work as a team!  We could choose who we worked with and what we were going to build.  Our imaginations were going wild! 🙂

Mrs Duncan was so proud of us for doing great problem solving and for not giving up when things didn’t stick. Alex even showed us how to turn normal tape into double sided tape so that we could stick things more easily.

Volcanoes part 2

We had another super afternoon developing our skills in carrying out science experiments today.  We worked in groups to create our own volcanoes that erupted with lava.  Mrs Duncan was very impressed with our group work skills today – almost all groups managed to carry out their experiments without any adult support! The volcanoes caused much hysteria when we successfully made them erupt! 🙂 Here are our wee scientists in action:

Click here  or here  to see some videos of us.  You can clearly see how much fun we all had!


You may have also heard our exciting discovery this afternoon.  Keir and some other future palaeontologists discovered a REAL fossil hidden in the playground.  There was much debate about which dinosaur it was! 🙂 Many children suggested digging up the entire playground to see what other fossils were hidden underneath!  We hope to explore this further in golden time.

3D Shape

Mrs Duncan was very impressed with our knowledge of 3D shapes today.  Almost all of us could identify some differences between 2D and 3D shapes.  We all tried to describe different shapes whilst playing a hiding game.

Our main maths activity today was to sort 3D shapes into hoops depending on whether they were good at rolling or stacking.  We had a lot of discussion about how the hoops should be positioned to make sure all shapes would have somewhere to go.  We learned that this was called a Venn diagram.  We had to do some tricky problem solving to find out which shapes were good for building, rolling or both.  The cone was the trickiest shape to position.  Erin and Ava decided it should go outside of the hoops because it wasn’t good for rolling or stacking.  Good thinking girls!

Literacy activities

Today the pandas and tigers were learning about the ch sound.  The elephants were learning about another way of making the ee sound: ea.  The most popular activity today was the iPads.  We were using them to reinforce all of the letters in the alphabet.  The app we used was alpha blocks – you could try downloading at home if you wish.


Volcano Experiments

Here are the videos of our volcano experiments.  Apologies for the poor video quality – the children were desperate for these to go on the blog.  It was challenging to put the mentoes in whilst filming! 🙂

Click here to watch the video.

After the experiment the children enjoyed having free exploration with the coke and mentoes to see if they could make any more eruptions occur.  They found out that once the experiment had happened once you could not get it to happen again with the same coke and mentoes.  The children decided that this was because the mentoes had ‘got all of the fizz out.’  What clever little scientists!