This week (wb 21.9.15) is revision week. Please try revisiting all sounds and words that have been taught up to this point. You could try using the websites we have been using in class to help with the revision. I have put links to our two favourite websites in the navigation panel on the left hand side. Look for ‘pirate reading game’ or ‘Phoneme Pop.’ Unfortunately, these links do not appear on an iPad or smart phone. If you can not get it to work please write a note in the reading records and I can give you the website address. Your child may need adult help with the pirate game.
Or you could try using some of the websites or resources that have been sent home previously. As always, please write a note in the reading record informing me how your child has got on. Many thanks.
We will all be getting reading books this week (wb 21.9.15). 🙂