Children’s Rights

This term we will be chatting about children’s rights during circle time.

Today we spoke about fairness and found out that being treated fairly was one of our rights.  We all tried to share an example of when we were treated fairly or unfairly.  We are going to try and treat each other fairly in class – this could also be reinforced at home.  Look out for your child coming home with a special ‘I treated someone fairly’ sticker.

Here are a selection of our own experiences of being treated unfairly or fairly:




Immediately after circle time the children all strived towards being extremely fair friends.  Willow decided that since Keir shared his pine cones she should tidy his rubbish.  Many friends said that tomorrow they needed to try and be kind to Angus because he had helped them to get their packed lunches – they thought that by ‘paying back’ a favour they were being fair! 🙂  Oliver was fair to his friends by letting them in front of him when we lined up.  Aaryn and Erin were fair to everyone by holding the doors open for the entire class. We also played fairly during a running game after circle time.  Well done everyone! Keep it up!

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