This term:
- We will have PE on Thursdays and Fridays. Please ensure your child has their PE kit in school everyday. We will also have games outside every Friday afternoon – you may wish to send trainers to school on a Friday for this. I hope to teach the children how to play rounders. We will also have dance every Tuesday.
- We will continue to go to library every Friday. Children will only be issued with a new book if they have returned their book from the previous week.
- Reading will be on Mondays and Thursdays. Please check the reading diaries/record for more information.
- Homework will continue to be issued on a Monday via the school Blog. Please check the Blog every Monday.
- We will be doing a mini forest topic. This will involve 4-6 sessions in the forest. More information to follow.
- We will be trialing a new online reading programme for extra literacy revision. This will require the children to log in for approximately 20 minutes per week. More information to follow.
- We will continue to be learning a new sound most weeks with revision weeks dispersed throughout the term. The elephants and tigers will no longer be getting their sound books updated each week. This is because they are progressing beyond the sounds provided on the sound sheets. Instead their new sounds will be posted on the Blog with possible activities to try. New words will continue to be sent home for the pandas and tigers.