New Sounds
New words
Name writing. One of our most recent targets is to write our full names. We have been practising this in our play contexts. Please help your child write his/her first and last name this week. The children have been trying to ensure that:
- Their letters are of the correct size e.g. capital letters should be taller, the letter a is the same size as the letter e etc
- Their letters are correctly formed. Remember the letters a, o, g, d, q are caterpillar c letters. This means that we start the letter by writing a curly c. Your child should be able to explain this further.
- They have a finger space between their first name and their surname.
- The correct letters stretch to the sky, dig underground or stay in the grass. For example, the letters l, b and d stretch to the sky. The letter e stays in the grass and the letter y digs underground. Again, your child should be able to explain this further.
Initially, your child may need to copy his/her full name. Gradually, this support could be withdrawn so that your child is able to confidently write his/her name independently.
Please ensure you have completed last weeks 3D shape homework – this is explained on a previous blog post. Several children have not yet completed it. Thank you.