We have now learned all 26 initial letter sounds. Over the next 2 weeks please try practising the letter formation for all letters particularly those that you know that your child finds difficult. Letters to focus on will be different for each child but generally most children struggle with the formation of: z, b, d, f, g and the letters that dig underground: y,g,j,q,p. We have been learning that our letters are not superheroes – they can’t fly, we must ensure we keep them balancing on a line. We have also been trying to keep them the correct size. Activities you could try to help letter formation are:
- Writing letters in shaving foam on bath tiles or a table
- Filling a baking tray with salt and writing your letters in it
- Rainbow writing on paper – your child will be able to explain this further
- writing on mini whiteboards
- using paintbrushes and water to paint their words on paving slabs/concrete
- Writing letters on peoples backs – they love doing this in class
- Erin also suggested using chalks outside
We have been learning about measurement in class. We have been using objects such as ribbons, toys and templates of dinosaur feet to measure different objects in the classroom. Please help your child to choose a toy or object that they can use for measuring. Try getting them to measure three different objects around the house. Try encouraging them to find things that are different sizes. Please encourage them to use the correct language when measuring. For example, instead of them saying ‘It’s 3!’ encourage them to say,’ It’s 3 toy cars long.’ This will help with future measurement activities with standardised units such as metres, cm etc.
I am unsure how many of you are actually seeing this Blog and are managing to access homework activities. Please write a very short note in the reading record acknowledging that you have seen this post. Thank you. 🙂
We have seen the homework Mrs Duncan!! Harry like to look at the blog everyday!!