Our Class Term 3

This term we will continue to use this Blog to share the fantastic learning that takes place in our class every day.  We will also use the Blog to find out our homework tasks.   These tasks will be posted on the Blog every Monday – please check the blog every Monday.  New sounds or words will be issued on Tuesdays.  Reading will continue to take place twice a week, mostly on Mondays and Wednesdays although this may vary due to other class activities.

Please see below for a very rough plan of some key areas of learning for this term.  All planning is responsive to the needs and interests of the children so may change at any time.


We will have gym with the PE specialist on Tuesdays and PE with Mrs Duncan each Wednesday.  However, gym kits (and indoor shoes) should be in school every day.


This term will we be starting to have our playtime snacks outside. Please ensure your child has a relatively simple snack that they can manage to eat/carry whilst they are playing.

Top Table

This term we will continue to get table points for showing kindness, enthusiasm for tasks or for working hard. The table with the most points at the end of the week will be declared the top  table.   They will be given special stationary for their table and will get to line up first for an entire week.  This always delights the top table! 🙂

Active Spelling

We will be starting active spelling this week and will do this every Friday this term.  It involves using a range of multi-sensory resources to spell, make and write our focus tricky words.  This could include writing in shaving foam, using magnetic letters, clay/playdough, cooked spaghetti, floating letters etc.  You will see evidence of this soon.


We will continue to explore addition in greater detail at the beginning of this term.  We will also be exploring different ways of gathering and displaying information related to ourselves and our dinosaur topic.  At a request of the children we will also be measuring the real sizes of dinosaurs outside.


We will continue to learn new sounds and words each week with a consolidation/revision weeks when required.  We will be introduced to the concept of joining words/connectives to make our sentences longer and will become more independent in writing stories based on class topics, stories and videos.  Each week we will have time for ‘spelling buddies’.  This involves time with a partner or teacher trying to spell different words using magnetic letters.   We will continue to develop our love for reading and will visit the library every Friday afternoon.  The children will choose a library book to take home and these should be returned every Friday.


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