Homework wb 20.6.16

As the weather was poor last week please try some of the Olympic sports suggestions from homework last week.

All of the children are beginning to get very tired in class so please note the homework for this week is optional.


Symmetrical game – click here

Try hunting around your house for letters or objects that are symmetrical.  Try chatting to your family about how many lines of symmetry you think that object has.  Can you find anything that has 2 lines of symmetry?  Can you find anything with no lines of symmetry?


Please could all children take a carrier bag to school on Friday.  We will be taking home our art work! 🙂


Trip Reminders

We are all very excited about the trip tomorrow.  Please note the following details:

  • all children must bring a packed lunch, snack and enough water to last them for an entire day.  This would be best carried in a small rucksack/schoolbag.
  • all children should wear school jumpers or cardigans
  • long trousers are recommended
  • please apply suncream to your child before he/she is sent to school
  • the children are welcome to wear trainers – these will be much more comfortable for running and climbing
  • all children must bring a waterproof jacket

Thank you.


Symmetrical Flags

We have been learning about symmetry in our Olympics topic.  We used the iPads to look for symmetrical flags on the Internet and then tried to create our own.  Many of us were able to work out whether a flag has 1 or 2 lines of symmetry – this is quite advanced thinking for P1s! 🙂  Many of us chose to design flags that were significant to our family history.

We also visited the ICT suite and experimented with different symmetrical tools to create our own flags, patterns and colourful images.

You could extend this at home by pointing out symmetrical objects inside and outside.  Some children could even try working out how many lines of symmetry an object has.

Active Spelling

We made our spelling words in different contexts today.  We used shaving foam, gel pens, iPads, playdough, paint and craft materials to make each tricky word.  Many of these activites could easily be done at home if you wish.


Homework 13.6.16

  • Olympic Sports

With parental help, try having a go an Olympic sport in your garden this week for homework.  You could try:

  • football
  • tennis
  • badminton
  • golf
  • running
  • or something else.  To see the full list of the Olympic sports click here.

Try replying on this blog post to tell your friends which sport you tried and if you liked it.

  • Reading

This will be on Monday and Wednesday this week.  This will be the last week of reading this session.

  • Singing

Please take a moment to learn the chorus for the song we will be singing at the P7 leaver’s ceremony.  This year we are singing Fleetwood Mac – Tomorrow.  You could get the tune for it on YouTube.  Here are the words for the chorus:

Don’t stop thinking about tomorrow
Don’t stop, it’ll soon be here
It’ll be, better than before,
Yesterday’s gone, yesterday’s gone

  • Teach your monster to read

Try playing more of Teach your monster to read.  There is now an app for all of the games which you could try downloading.


Ancient Chariots

We have been learning about the ancient Olympics.  We found out that there was a lot fewer types of events at the Olympics long, long ago and that no girls were allowed.  We watched a clip of a chariot race and spoke about whether that would be a good Olympic race to have now.  All of us thought it looked very dangerous and that it was unfair for the horses.

This afternoon we worked in teams to make our own chariots using different types of construction.  We wrote about them afterwards and tried hard to use connectives and WOW words.


Symmetrical Sports Kits

We are learning about symmetry in our olympic topic.  We found out that athletes in the ancient olympics were naked! We thought this was hilarious but decided we needed to make some clothes for them.  We worked with a friend to make symmetrical sports kits.  It was very tricky and we had to do lots of very clever thinking.

Are we as fast as Usain Bolt?

We have been learning that the world record for running is held by Usain Bolt who can run 100m in 9 seconds.  Today we measured out 100m in the playground and used stopwatches to find out how long it took each of us to run 100m. This helped us to develop our skills in reading and writing numbers to 100, to use stopwatches and to develop our fitness. We will be doing this every week to see if we can get any faster.

Active Spelling

We worked hard to spell some very tricky words during our spelling stations today.  We did pyramid writing, dot-to-dot writing, crossword writing and made/wrote our words with shaving foam, playdough, lego cubes, painting tools on the computer and using the iPads.

Some of us are also becoming increasingly independent with our reading and are now reading one of our books with peer rather than teacher support.  We still have some time reading with Mrs Duncan too.

Homework wb 6.1.16

This week we are starting our new mini topic – The Olympics.  We also have sports day.   Homework will have a sports theme this week!

  • Spend some time practicing your throwing and catching with big or small balls
  • Practice running fast in your garden.  Try getting someone to say ‘Ready, Steady, Go!’  Remember to get into your race ready starting position! 🙂  We will be trying to run 100m in class over the next few weeks.  We will be timing how fast we can run to help us understand how special athletes like Usain Bolt are.
  • Use this video link  to complete the Olympic research sheet that was sent home.  Click here.  Please return your research to school next Monday.  You could try looking for the Brazil flag on the Internet to decorate and colour the flag on your page.  You might also want to tell your family some of the funny facts we found out about the ancient Olympics.

Wet weather homework

If the weather is poor you could try doing this homework instead:

  • Work on your number bonds for 10 using this website – click here
  • Continue playing ‘Teach your monster to read’
  • Try hunting for magic ‘e’ words in any reading books or story books that you look at this week.  Remember ‘e’ jumps over and tickles the other vowel making it say its name.  You could watch an alphablocks episode by clicking here.
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