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Launch Day

When Titanic was launched it was like an empty shell.

It had no funnels or propellers or fitted decks.

There was a special dock for the Olympic near by.

It was called the Thompson dock and that is where titanic was fitted out.

The Arrol gantry wanted to construct bigger and bigger ships like olympic and titanic new equipment was needed such as a gantry, a bridge-like structure with cranes, travelling frames  lifts and walkways.




The Lifeboats

Lifeboats are only used for getting people off boats safely when they are sinking. Most big boats have about 30 lifeboats but RMS Titanic only had 20. They fully booked the boat and the lifeboats could have held all the people on the boat if they had 60 people in each of the lifeboats but they were only putting 20 or 12 in each boat  and that is how 1500 people died.

The Grand Staircase

The grand staircase was perhaps the most beautiful feature of  Titanic. But an impressive ornate glass dome it led first class passengers from the entrance as far down as the first class reception and dinning rooms then further down to the first class accommodation. A replica of the grand staircase has been built in the banqueting suite on the top floor of Titanic Belfast made up of 10.000 individual parts.


Belfast had the largest shipyard in the world. William Pirrie was in charge and Bruce Ismay was the chairman of the White Star Line. One day they came

together shaking hands on the deal to build the three largest cruise ships in the world, Olympic, Titanic and Britanic. These two men are at the gates to

welcome you to Harland and Wolf’s shipyard.


The Titanic was fitted out with luxurious furniture created by talented craftsmen.The grand staircase has been recreated in the banqueting suite of

Titanic Belfast. The table which is now in Belfast Harbour Commissioners was finished too late for the maiden voyage. There was specially designed crockery and cutlery too.

Some Of The People

Miss Millvina Dean was one of the people who was saved from the Titanic and she was the youngest. She was handed onto a lifeboat in a post bag and was only nine weeks old. She was also the the last person to get off the titanic. When she was much older at 81 she was interviewed and asked if she could remember anything.  She replied that she could not see out of the bag! The interviewer said sadly Miss Millvina Dean died when she was 98 and on the 30th May 2009 which is the anniversary of Titanic’s sinking.


The royal steamer Titanic was the product of intense competition amongst rival shipping lines in the first half of the 20th century. In particular  the White Star Line found itself in battle for steamship with Cunard, a British firm.

The Captain

The captain was Edward John Smith. He was born on the 27th January 1850 in Hanley, staffordshire,England, captain john. Smith,captain of the luxury vessel. Titanic played a role in one of the most famous disasters at sea in history.

Engineering facts

The Titanic was built between 1909 and 1911,she was also 269 meeters in lenth [882 feet] and 53 in hieght [175].

She had a crew of about 900 people. She was also a luxury passenger liner that carried some of the worlds most richest people,as well as others looking for a new life in North America.