Category Archives: Training

Scottish Advisory Panel for Outdoor Education news and updates

The following news items have been added to the SAPOE News page:

IOL National Conference: What is Outdoor Learning for?

John Muir Award Leader Training – 2016 Dates now available

The School of Adventure Studies is bringing more outdoor enthusiasts to Scotland

Natural Connections Demonstration Project, 2012-2016: Final Report (NECR215)

Argyll and Bute School Staff Receive a Professional Development Award

PDA Whole Group + Admin + RR - FinalOn the 21st June 2016, 22 Classroom and Additional Support Needs Assistants received certificates for the SQA Professional Development Award (PDA) in Education Support Assistance in a ceremony held in the Loch Fyne Hotel, Inveraray.

Roslyn Redpath, Principal Educational Psychologist, presented the certificates on behalf of Argyll and Bute Council and congratulated the candidates on their hard work and commitment.
Continue reading Argyll and Bute School Staff Receive a Professional Development Award

Outdoor Learning Twilight

The first gathering of Oban and Lorn Little Owls met at sunny Ganavan on Monday 30th May at 4pm. OWLS (Outdoor and Woodland Learning Scotland) is a national group, formed from the Forest Education Initiative and promotes outdoor learning. At our gathering we shared ideas, tried out some new maths and talking and listening activities and of course had a brew on the Kelly kettle.
The next gathering will be at Dunstaffnage on Wednesday 7th September. Anyone with an interest in outdoor learning is welcome. We will discuss what people would like to get from the group, whether it is funding, resources, training opportunities or sharing good practice. The next meeting will also have a theme of science outdoors. If you have any ideas to share then please bring them along. Sign up for the next meeting with or to have your name put on our mailing list.

High 5 Health and Wellbeing Programme training session

argyll & bute logo SALA great resource and training opportunities to support Primary Schools with Health and Wellbeing and in particular Healthy eating is the High 5 Health and Wellbeing Programme.
The aims of the session are to:
• Introduce participants to the High 5 Health and Wellbeing Programme for Primary Schools
• Bring participants to a level of familiarity and confidence that they could go on and support schools to deliver High 5 Continue reading High 5 Health and Wellbeing Programme training session

3 new ipad training courses at Cardross in 2013.

iPads for Beginners
Date: Wednesday 23rd October 3:45pm-5pm Location: Cardross Primary
Places: 30
This course is designed for teachers interested in using an iPad within the classroom but are unsure where to start.
It will cover the very basics of iPad use, such as notes, safari and the camera. This course is not suitable for teachers that are already familiar with this device. Continue reading 3 new ipad training courses at Cardross in 2013.


Argyll and Bute, in partnership with Apple and XMA, invite you to a day with Keynote Guests and hands on workshops to explore the potential of this technology to transform learning. Topics include:
Assessing with iPad: A hands on workshop exploring assessment using iPad in the classroom
Creating Content with iPad: A hands on workshop looking at how to use content creation tools on the iPad in the classroom.
Teaching with iPad: A hands on workshop focusing on how the iPad can transform learning and teaching in the classroom. Continue reading ARGYLL AND BUTE iPADS FOR TEACHING AND LEARNING