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Primary 7 Pancake Day

Last Tuesday was the best day at school because everyone made pancakes at school. We all went into little groups to make our pancakes for our toppings we had chocolate spread and golden syrup it was the best day ever my favourite bit was when Miss Henry flipped over the pancake. 🙂

A School Life…

A school life yes can get a bit boring but you get used to it! Just now our class and the 6/7’s are starting to plan a day of fun…Comic Relief. And I have kind of already planned my job. I am meant to be painting people’s noses red because after ordering over 400 nose we are down to 3. So rather than ordering more that’s my job.

Pancake Day :)

Hi  🙂 As you are aware a couple of days ago was Pancake day!!  On Pancake Day our whole class made pancakes. We had a choice of topping, We had Nuttela or Golden Syrup but i chose Nuttela 🙂 We did it in groups. My group was second 🙂 I hope you had a lovely Pancake day :)!!!

since we have come back from the Christmas hoildays we have done some fun things such as learning about Anne Frank  and Valentine disco but the thing i enjoyed was playing basketball in P.E. It might just be me but i think basketball was the best thing i’ve done in P.E .Now we are doing boring gymnastics.I know that people have different tastes when it comes to gym but i prefer playing games such as football,basketball and many many more.