my extra homework

My extra homework is so boring.  I know it’s supposed  to help me , just now I am doing my 8 times table it’s so hard. yesterday I did my 9 times tables. I don’t mind doing it it’s just hard. today we did a tables challenge and I got 19 out of 50. It’s harder than my normal homework. 

My day at auntie Alison’s

On Saturday the 31st  was super fun because I was at my auntie Alison’s. when I got up Sarah and I watched the kids programmes I was good because we don’t get to watch it at home.  Then we got ready and  Went swimming with Our cousin  Rachael and her brother Stephen .Then we came back and decorated fairy cakes. Once we done that we all went along to Rachael’s to see her chickens and we played on her trampoline. We came back and watched the voice then watched a film before bed. after all it was a fantastic day !!!


My day across the water !!!!!

Today me and my faimly went across the water. The ride was very bumpy and rocky! When we arrived we went to the shops in Greenock and then we found out the ferries were off.So we had to go to goruck! It took an hour to get to rothesay. Then we finally got there yeah !!!!! my day has been CRAZY !! but it has been fun!!!!!

: ] :]

Weekend was fun! :)

You probably already know all about yesterday when i was at Katlyns. We had a great time! Today was ok I guess. In the morning I listened to music and watched T.V. then we had lunch and after that at 2:55pm my mum and I walked down to the pavilion. She was dropping me off for archery until 4pm. And all morning i was thinking about whether Jess would be with me or not… and gladly it turned out that she was with me which was good because i didn’t want to be stuck with people i hardly knew (loonys). I think that I must have had good luck because after a debate with a teacher about the bullseye i managed to hit it and prove that I wasn’t rubbish! I also found a full packet of Starburst under my chair that  hadn’t been touched and that I think was left over from the early class and after asking the teacher he said I was aloud to eat them as long as I gave hime an orange one. Today has fun. 🙂

Saturday with Elena!

At twelve o’clock Elena came round to mine. We ordered a 3 in 1 munchie box and ate it at the house. Once we were finished my mum dropped us off at the pool for swimming. After that we came home, made a video star, played with Evelyn (my baby sister) and after that we walked my dog Misty. Then at 5:30 Elena left. We had a great day!

By Elena and Katlyn 🙂