Weekend was fun! :)

You probably already know all about yesterday when i was at Katlyns. We had a great time! Today was ok I guess. In the morning I listened to music and watched T.V. then we had lunch and after that at 2:55pm my mum and I walked down to the pavilion. She was dropping me off for archery until 4pm. And all morning i was thinking about whether Jess would be with me or not… and gladly it turned out that she was with me which was good because i didn’t want to be stuck with people i hardly knew (loonys). I think that I must have had good luck because after a debate with a teacher about the bullseye i managed to hit it and prove that I wasn’t rubbish! I also found a full packet of Starburst under my chair that  hadn’t been touched and that I think was left over from the early class and after asking the teacher he said I was aloud to eat them as long as I gave hime an orange one. Today has fun. 🙂

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