Christmas Fair

7th December was the Christmas fair in Port Ellen primary school. Children there have been working real hard for weeks making crafts and wonderful baking! For an example they each had stalls which would sell soaps, bath bombs, games, decorations or even hot chocolate! Yum!


Every year  there is a Santa’s grotto would would make things even more exiting and Christmassy, because kids would get presents and a hello from Santa himself! Teas coffees and biscuits were served and even better… Raffles! There was Lego raffles, wine and food!

And all of this amazing event was to save up money for things the school needs like the schools Loch Goilhead trip! Which p67 get to go there once a year!

The Christmas fair was amazing! Was so fun and magical!

From Hannah Schleicher Wang and Bonnie Creswell!


Kildalton Trip

Monday the second of September 2024

We visited Kildalton cross with a few more people following which are 2 people from a computer science university named Saint Andrews and a person from Islay museum.

We and the scientists visited the Kildalton cross because of a school trip to investigate the cross because a fungus called lichen was eating away the carvings of the cross, that was made in the 8th century. The cross is about Christianity and had carvings about a lady holding a baby and had more cravings which looked really interesting which people think is Jesus.

We were split up into groups for different things like, making a little clip about Kildalton, taking photos, drawing anything at the place and 360 degree photo which was really fun because we had to hide from the camera when it takes a photo. After everyone finished each group we went back to the school a few kids that was: Hannah, Brody, Ella and Freddy. Went to take more 360 photos around the school, but unfortunately we couldn’t do much pictures outside because it was raining. But we still had fun! And that’s the end of our amazing and interesting trip Kildalton trip! Hope you enjoyed reading this!



Herbal Tea Endeavour

This year we are doing Endeavour!  Endeavour is about something you want to do about, like I’m doing herbal teas. I want to do herbal teas because I am very fond of them and I  think its interesting, and think I’m doing pretty well on my Endeavour so far, I’ve made tea, and did tea testing, researching, and collecting! I also sold tea bags for free and some more tea testing in health afternoon which was really fun, the only thing I need to do now is a power point which I have started and a interesting poster that includes the benefits of tea.

When I started my Endeavor I wrote a letter to James Donaldson who collects herbs to make gin. He responded with lot of helpful tips and answered my questions which I was very happy for!

The Endeavor fair is very soon which I’m looking forward to!  And that’s the end of my blog!


Dance a Thon

On the last day of term Port Ellen primary school did Dance a Thon to raise money for making Blytheswood shoe boxes for children in Romania. Children in the school danced to different songs in the hall and in each class the best dancer got a prizes.  Everyone has enjoyed the Danceathon and it has raised a lot of money, helping children meet the right to health care article 24.

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