We have already received our Bronze Award for being Rights Committed at Port Charlotte and we are now working towards our Silver Award, which means we would be Rights Aware.

We are currently working to embed Children’s Rights in our school which aligns perfectly with our Gold Nurturing School Award.

Our Clans are all taking turns at leading our RRS work. Currently Clan Machair have been leading our RRS activities and have made some great progress this session so far. Here are some of the things we have been doing:

  • To advocate for children’s rights in our community we have started a regular donation to our local foodbank. We created a space for the food to be stored near our school entrance.
  • To advocate for children’s rights across the world we did some research and chose to raise money for UNICEF’s children in Emergencies Fund and raised £165 on Friday 13th September
  • We started a ‘Right of the Month’ at our whole school assemblies to help us learn more about the different children’s rights.
  • We created a new wall display keeping everyone in our school up-to-date with what we are working on in school with regards to children’s rights.
  • We created posters linking to different rights to be displayed around our school.
  • We started learning all about the ABCDE of Children’s Rights and created a poster display about this.

We have lots more ideas and are looking forward to continuing to embed Children’s rights into our school curriculum further. However as Lila in P3 said ‘It is not about an award it is making sure that all children feel loved across the world and helping children in need.’

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