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Thursday 2nd April 2020

Cooking at home is one of the most enjoyable ways to play and learn. Everyday understanding in maths and language can be practised and built even through following the simplest of recipes.

The BBC website has a helpful guide for supporting learning and the development of skills through cooking.  You can even practise your French whilst creating ‘une salade’!

There are also lots of fun recipes and activities on BBC Good Food. 

Tuesday 31st March 2020

The Lego Foundation have worked for years to support playful learning at home. Join this amazing StoryCity construction project which families all over the world have been contributing to and sharing their creative and inspiring results.

Why not have a go and send a photo of your creative designs to the school email address. We will try to publish some on the blog for you all to see!


Monday 30th March 2020

There are lots of fun learning activities for all ages to be found online. Some of these are interactive and give time for conversation and thinking.

BBC Teach hosts over 30 recordings of interactive 30 to 40-minute programmes called Live Lessons, originally designed for use in the classroom, featuring leading experts and some of the BBC’s biggest brands and talent, including Doctor Who, Blue Planet Live and CBeebies. 

Why not try out a live lesson or two? Follow up some of the activities in your own creative way and send us a picture of the results!

Friday 27th March 2020

LIVE LEARNING: Lantern craft with Lizzie

We have always joined in World Wildlife Fund activities in the run up to Earth Hour on 22nd April. With the recent move to learning@home WWF have created a really fun site for nature based activities. This includes some live learning lessons starting today.

Join Lizzie on our YouTube channel on Friday 27th March at 3pm for a live lantern making craft activity and create a beautiful recycled lantern in time for Earth Hour.

Thursday 26th March 2020

Science is Fun!

Soon we will be delivering a pack of science materials to your door. There is a booklet for each week and a jotter for your notes, drawings and science investigations/diagrams/mindmaps. You will have to be very creative and improvise some of the resources you need by finding alternatives at home – but I know you can do it!

To help with science at home check out some of the episodes from Bill Nye the Science Guy.  There should be one for most of your booklet themes.

You can also visit BBC Bitesize for clips about each of the topic areas.

Have Fun Investigating!

Wednesday 25th March 2020

Keeping fit and healthy, even indoors, is fun and a really good thing to do. Lots of families have been joining Joe Wicks on his YouTube channel as he has been providing a 30 minute PE lesson each day. Go and check this out at The Body Coach TV.

Also BBC Teach has a great website called SuperMovers which is provided in partnership with the Premier League to help children learn more about physical fitness in a small space.

Have fun moving and grooving!

Tuesday 24th March 2020

Why not take up the RSPB Wild Challenge and earn yourself a bronze, silver or gold award for caring for nature at home? Get Mum or Dad to join up by creating a sign in here: and then choose one of the wild adventures to start gaining your family award. Have fun being wild with your learning@home!