Activity Grid P4-6 Week Beginning 20th April 2020

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday


These tasks can be written in your writing jotter or typed up and emailed into the school.

Write a diary entry about Easter. What did you get up to or watch on TV?



Create an acrostic poem about spring. See an example in the resources folder for this week.




Read a chapter or even a whole book (depending on the size). Write down which part was your favourite and why. Imagine in 10 years time you want to look back at the news.  Write a newspaper article using the template\ about being at home.


Try to come up with a catchy title, draw a main picture and a smaller picture and include a little information about what you have been doing at home. Try to use connectives (because, and, so, but) to make sentences have more information in them.

Talk to your family members about your favourite family meal. Decide on a meal which you would like to share with other school pupils when we create our Gigha Primary School recipe book.
Numeracy Log into your Sumdog account. Try some of the games and the number challenge.

Complete 10 questions from the Heinemann active maths book (on the topic of addition) or your workbook. Go onto Topmarks Maths and play Hit the Button to test your times tables knowledge. Complete 10 questions from the Heinemann active maths book (on the topic of addition) or your workbook. Work out the total cost of the meal above. Use a supermarket website to calculate the average total cost of all the ingredients. How much is this per portion?
Other Draw a picture looking out of your window. What can you see? How does this change throughout the year? Research a country you would like to visit when you are older. Where is it located? What is it famous for? What is the capital city? Draw a picture of a flower that is growing in your garden. Maybe you could send this to a friend or relative to cheer them up. Find two recycled household objects which could be used as plant pots for sunflower seeds which you will shortly be growing. Using recycled materials, create a Scottish animal (real or mythical).

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