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Today we had our second session of rugby with Adam and it was Finding Nemo themed. To warm up we played ‘Crush Tig’ or Turtle Tig as you might know it. Then we paired up to play Dory versus Bruce. Shark Attack was the next game and it was great fun.

We all had loads of fun learning new rugby skills and can’t wait for next week!

Marshmallow Challenge

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Miss Travers gave us a marshmallow challenge to complete in groups of 3. She gave us 20 sticks of spaghetti, a metre of tape, 4 marshmallows and 20 minutes to build a tall tower. When the timer went off we had to stand back and leave our towers.  Most of them fell down! Robert, Alana and Lewis were the only successful group.

Then we repeated the challenge but had a chat about how to improve our structures. This time we were all successful. Jack and Holly were the winner with the tallest tower.

We needed good communication and co-operation for this to work.