Primary One have had a wonderful start to Term 4, we have been busy learning our words and sounds everyday. We have begun to extend our sentences by using connectives and describing words. In Numeracy we have continued learning to subtract as well as add money and exchange coins to give the same amount. We have sent home our jotters and workbooks to share our work with you this week.
During the first week back we went on a Spring walk around the school grounds and we discovered a Hedgehog had moved into the Hedgehog house in the woods.
Primary One had a vote and decided to name the Hedgehog Spike.
This term our IDL topic is Transport, we will be finding out how transport has changed over the years and this week we were learning about the invention of the wheel.
In Science we will be learning about plants and how they grow. We will be planting vegetables in the vegetable garden and looking after them.
In PE this term we are learning how to play Tennis, this week we have been working on our throwing, catching and balance skills.