Enterprise club

The PTA thought of a brilliant idea to start an enterprise club to help raise money for the school. Mrs Morris runs the enterprise club. We called our group Bowmores Excellent Enterprise’s  (aka the bees).  We have been making photo frames. if you have any spare time to come to  the summer fair witch is on the 9th of June to get a photo frame we would be thankful.


Thank you to Mrs Morris, Mrs Campbell and the PTA

Written by Sam P6


Endeavour is a type of independent project that each child has in the class and a few that are in B.P.S are Farming vehicles and Game keeping dogs and my Endeavour is game keeping dogs.  Three facts about game keeping dogs is that they collect the birds for the shooters and they go through the bush’s to scare out  the birds so they can get shot and that game keepers shake a flag on the hill to shoot the deer.

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Summer Fayre

On Friday the 9th of June Bowmore Primary are holding a summer fayre. At this Fayre P6/7 will be selling some photographs that were taken down at the beach. There will be photos selling at the Fayre and you can order others as well. There will be a variety different photo options i.e. canvas, aluminium sheets and wood blocks. We hope to see you all there!

Sligheadaireachd! (Orienteering)


Air Dimàirt 28 Am Màrt, chaidh a h-uile duine ann an clas1-7 Gàidhlig gu Fionnlagan airson sligheadaireachd.  Thàinig Dòmhnall, Lynn, Mgr Oliver agus Mrs MacArthur air a’ bhus còmhla rinn gu Fionnlagan.

Dh’innis Dòmhnall dè tha ann an sligheadaireachd agus dè bha sinn a’ dol a bhith a’ cleachdadh.  Bha sinn a’ dol a bhith a’ cleachdadh ‘dibbers’.  Bha a h-uile duine ann am buidhnean; bha mise le Lewis, Harry agus Ronan. Bha steiseanan ann cuideachd agus bha againn ri na steiseanan seo a lorg.

Bha feum againn na dibbers a ghlanadh ann an steisean glanaidh.  An uair sin bha steisean toiseachaidh ann.  Bha feum againn dol aon bhuidheann as dèidh a’ chèile.  Nuair a thòisich a’ bhuidheann againn chaidh sinn gu steisean 3.  Bha map aig a h-uile buidheann.  Bha na steiseanan air falach; bha aon air falach fo drochaid agus fear eile fo chlach.

Nuair a ràinig sinn a’ chrìoch, rinn Dòmhnall priont den ùine againn.  An uair sin bha againn ri dol gun na steiseanan a-rithist ann an òrdugh cheart.  Mu dheireadh, fhuair a h-uile duine ugh teoclaid.

Bha e fuar ach bha e math.


On Tuesday 28th March, all the pupils in P1-7 Gaelic went to Finlaggan for orienteering.  Donald, Lynn, Mgr Oliver and Mrs MacArthur cam with on the bus to Finlaggan.

Donald told us what orienteering involves and showed us the equipment we were going to be using.  We were going to use ‘dibbers’.  Everybody was in an group; I was in a group with Lewis, Harry and Ronan.  There were stations and we had to find the stations.

We had to clean the dibbers in a cleaning station.  Then we went to the starting station.  We had to start one group after another.  When my group started we went to station 3.  Each group had a map.  The stations were hidden; on ewas hidden under a bridge and another under a stone.

When we reached the end, Donald printed out our time.  Then we had to go round the stations again, this time in the correct order.  Finally, everyone got a chocolate egg.

It was cold but it was good.

Skye Report – by P5-7’s

Primary 5-7 write:

Tha Clas 5-7 Gàidhlig dìreach air tilleadh bhon Eilean Sgitheanach.  Bha sinn air falbh còmhla ris ar tidsear Mgr Oliver agus Leanne Wells airson faighinn a-mach rud beag mu saoghal na Gàidhlig taobh a-muigh Eilean Ìle.  Bha sinn a’ fantail aig Sabhal Mòr Ostaig; bha na seòmraichean gu math cofhartail agus bha am biadh air leth math.  A bharrachd air sin, bha a h-uile duine a’ bruidhinn Gàidhlig rinn!

Chunnaic sinn na togalaichean aca aig Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, sean agus ùr agus ionnsaich sinn mar a bhios iad a’ dèanamh programan telebhisean.  Bha tòrr spòrs againn cuideachd: bha sinn a’ streap air tùr bhogsaichean (crating) agus a’ seòladh ann an curach fosgailte (canoeing); chluich sinn camanachd; chunnaic sinn fiolmaichean; agus bha blàr Nerf Gun againn.

Cha deach a h-uile rud mar bu chòir ged-tà: bha dealanach agus tàirneanach ann agus mar sin cha b’ urrainn dhuinn cèilidh air Bun-sgoil Shlèite oir bha i dùinte.  Chaidh sinn a shnàmh na àite agus bha sinn a’ cèilidh orra an ath latha.  A bharrachd air sin chaidh ar stad leis a’ phoileas.  Cha d’ rinn sinn dad ceàrr ged-tà; ‘s ann gun robh làraidh uabhasach mòr a’ tighinn sìos an rathad.

‘S e astar mòr a th’ ann dhan Eilean Sgitheanach ach chòrd e rinn gu mòr agus rinn sinn tòrr rudan spòrsail.

“Bha spòrs againn ann an Cille Mhàrtainn,” Anna.

“Bha e dòrainneach air a’ bhus ach chunnaic sinn tòrr sneachd,” Isi.

“Bha Nerf Gun War gu math spòrsail,” a h-uile duine.

“Bu thoil leam camanachd,” Harry.


Isle of Skye

The Primary 5-7 Gaelic class has just returned from the Isle of Skye.  We went away with our teacher Mr Oliver and Leanne Wells to find out about the world of Gaelic outside Islay.  We stayed at Sabhal Mòr Ostaig (the Gaelic College); the rooms were very comfortable and the food was great.  Everyone spoke to us in Gaelic as well!

We saw all the buildings at Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, old and new and we learned about how they make television programmes.  We had lots of fun as well: we were climbing up towers of boxes (crating) and sailing in open canoes; we played shinty; we watched films; and we had a Nerf Gun War.

Not everything went as planned though: there was thunder and lightning and as a result we could not visit Sleat Primary School as planned because it had to shut.  We went swimming instead and we visited the school the next day.  We also were stopped by the police.  We hadn’t done anything wrong though; there was a huge lorry coming down the road and there wasn’t room for us to pass.

It’s a long way to the Isle of Skye but we thoroughly enjoyed it and we did lots of fun things.

“We had fun in Kilmartin,” Anna

“It was boring on the bus but we saw lots of snow,” Isi

“The Nerf Gun War was great fun,” everybody.

“I enjoyed the shinty,” Harry.


The P6/7 went on a trip to the Islay High School and they done Kodu and minecraft and micro bits and little robotic balls.

Lorne: He said his favorite part was to do the science.

Reyhan: He said his favorite part was robotic balls.

Harvey: He said his favorite part was the 3d printer.

Lewis: He said his favorite part was science.

By Harvey, Sam, Duncan and Iain


P4/5’s Easter Assembly

In 2 two weeks there will be an Easter assembly made by primary 4 and 5. All the parents will be invited to watch the Easter assembly, after the preforming Primary 5’s parents will be receiving some cakes and coffee. we all hope everybody will be able to come it can be Mum’s, Dad’s relations will hopefully be there.

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