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The Lungs

The Gaelic class were learning about the lungs. They have made a working model of the lungs, wich were made with a bottle a plastic bag and some play doh with rubber bands.We have learnt why the lungs are an important part of our bodies.


Bha an clas Gaighlig a deanamh Lungs. Bha iad a deanamh model le bottle , baga plastic agus play doh le band rubber.Thuair sinn amach gu bheil iad  math airson do choirp.

by Megan and Iseabail

le Megan agus Iseabail

The Gruesome Eye Dissection

As part of our human body topic we have been learning about the eye so we decided to see a cows eye getting disected. Then traveled to the dissecting room. In the dissecting room we saw Mrs McNaughtan dissect an eye ball …

Mrs McNaughtan loved that we were asking loads of questions and we loved watching the eye being disected. We all had a lovely time.


lauren:” The part that I liked the best was when all the JELLY STUFF came out!”

Eilidh: ” The part that I liked the best was when she took the lense out and put it on the newspaper to make the writing bigger.”

Mrs MacAffer: ” I liked it when she took the lense out and put it on the newspaper to make the writing bigger.”

Megan: ” I liked it when she turned the light bit inside out!”

# It was in the glorious day in Bowmore High School!

By Eilidh and Lauren


Tha an sgoil gu leir a’ deanamh 2 sheachdain mun  Ghaidhlig.  Diardaoin 28 den Ghiblean tha na pàrantan agus na teaghlaichean aig a h-uile duine a’ tighinn dhan sgoil airson coimhead air an obair a tha iad air a bhith a’ dèanamh anns na 2 sheachdain. Tha an clas G1-3 a’ dèanamh modail de Fuamhaire mór: Fionn MacCumhail Gaisgeach nan Gàidheal.  Tha iad  a’ dol a dhèanamh dealbh cluich mìorbhaileach mu dheidhinn Fionn MacCumhail.


The whole school is learning about Gaelic culture for 2 weeks. On Thursday 28 of April our parents and our families visited to see all our work. G1-3  practised a play for us, it was about a giant called Finn MacCumail.

Writtin By Maggie, Robbie and Abbie

Air Sgroibh le Maggie, Robbie and Abbie


At the Mad hatter’s tea party the whole school had a lovely time and some people even put on some crazy hats. At the tea party we had an amazing picnic, we even had diluting juice in proper tea pots! All the teachers dressed like characters from Alice in Wonderland. Miss Gilbert dressed like the King of hearts and Miss Morris dressed like the Queen of hearts. Mr Oliver dressed like the Mad Hatter and most of the other teachers dressed like the Mad Hatter too. Thank you to all our lovely kitchen ladies!


BPS library

In BPS we have a library that most of you already know about but if you don’t know about our library or you have not seen it we will tell you all about it and we will also show you some pictures of the library. The library is kindly ran by Miss MacKenzie. Miss MacKenzie works really hard every day to keep the library clean,tidy and beautiful. Alot of pupils in BPS go and read in the quiet and lovely library where people can have a nice and peaceful time reading the lovely books.




Saor Laithean the Holidays poem

We are learning to turn stories into rhyme I hope you like mine.

Tha sinn a deanamh poem tha mi an dochas gun an choirt thu an fear agam.

Aig na Saor Laithean bha Eilidh an seo.

Bha mi aig B.A.R.K chan ann aig an phairc.

Chunnaic mi cu cha robh e ann an sù. ‘S e Clyde an t-ainm th’air.

Bha an Co latha breith agam an de. Cha robh mi nan dealan-de.

In the Holidays Eilidh was here.

I went to B.A.R.K and not to the park.

I saw a dog and not in the zoo.

Clyde was his name.

My Birthday was Yesterday.

I was not a Butterfly.

By Iseabail Oliver

le Iseabail Oliver ann an clas Gaighlig

Visit to Gortanvogie

Chaidh clas G4-7  gu Gortan Bhogaidh air Diardaoin 11 An Gearran a bhruidhinn Gàidhlig agus a leughadh leabhraichean Ile ri na seann dhaoine. Fhuair sinn geamaichean a bhios a’ còrdadh riutha. Bha tòrr spòrs againn!

Gaelic 4-7  visited Gortanvogie on Thursday 11th  February to speak and read to the residents Islay books. We also  played games with them. We had lots of fun!

le Abbie, Iseabail agus Anna

By Abbie, Iseabail and Anna

P4/5’s Movie Talk

In primary 4/5 we have  been doing a movie talk. Our movie talk is a bit like a show and tell but it is all about our favourite movie. All of us have been working extremely hard.We have to show and tell the class all about our favourite movie, you are also allowed to bring anything you like to show the class about your favourite movie.

These are some photo’s of our movie talk.

Written By Lauren, Eilidh and Sam

102_0115 102_0103 102_0114 102_0116


Robert Burns

We had a robert burns day and we all do dances and poams.

P1-2  Present a poem called Come a riddle.

p1-2-3 galeic class sang a song.

p4-5 presented a poem and a dance called Ma Bantie Hen and the dance the Gay Gordens

p3-4 presented a poem called The Pipers

G4-7  presented tamo chanter and drama.

p6 -7 presented Scots Wha Hae and the Dashing White Sargents.

They all did brilliantly well!




Ewan “liked the end song.

Harry “liked the food

Isi “liked tamo chanter