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Speech Marks – Direct and Indirect Speech

Direct Speech and Indirect Speech

Direct Speech

A direct speech is when you need to put in speech marks “” like that at the beginning and at the end of the speech. Here is an example.

“Can you go and get some milk?” Mum asked.

Indirect Speech

Indirect speech is when you don’t need to put in speech marks here is an example.

Tom said to the children to come inside as it was dinner time.

When To Use Speech Marks

When you use speech marks you need to make sure that you have speech marks at the beginning and the end and make sure that you put the punctuation   inside of the speech marks here is an example.

“Have you done all your Homework?” asked the teacher

By Rhianna

Primary 7

Striling trip !!!!

It was time for the biggest trip of the year when the schools from Islay and Jura both go on the trip. This year is was the Stirling trip, we were all so excited we could not wait. On the day  of the trip we were all raring to go. On the ferry we got to go to the bridge it was so cool. At one of the ends the was a glass floor so you could see the bottom of the boat and the side. Once we got to the hotel we had dinner then went bowling, the people that got the best score in our lanes were Craig, Gorga and Anna. The next day we split in to two groups. One of groups went to Stirling Castle and the other group went to the Battle of Bannock burn. At Stirling Castle we saw the Queen’s chamber and The Great Hall and we got to dressed up as some people from the past and to hold some real weapons. At the Battle of Bannock burn centre we went in to a 3D room and it was so cool, we saw arrows go right through our body but  it was only the 3D effects. The next day we went to the Stirling University and we got to dissect a fish. After lunch we went to The Forth Road Bridge and it was so cool. For dinner we went to a place called The Filling station it was so nice. After that we all went shopping then we went back to the hotel. The next day we went to Blair Drummond, we went to see some animals we saw elephants, rhinos, triggers, otters,penguins and meercats. Then we went to the ferry to go back home.

By Sam P6

A big thank you to all the hotel staff, the buses drivers and, most of all the teachers.

Bramble Picking!

On Wednesday P3/4 went down the battery and we picked lots brambles! The weather was looking wet and a bit windy. We collected was four pounds of brambles which is about 4 kilograms, we could not possibly count all the brambles we got! Everyone was excited and happy, the kitchen then made eight jars of bramble jelly!

By Iain and Declan.img_0391  img_0370

Roald Dahl Week!

099 100 101 102Roald Dahl Week P567

P5, plus the 6’s and 7’s looked at George’s Marvellous Medicine. They created their own spells and used Scratch to make Granny grow and shrink as she drank! Wow!


Roald Dahl week P3/4

P3/4 have had a whole week of Roald Dahl. They chose a book called Matilda and they watched the BFG video. They also looked at the work of illustrator Quentin Blake and also they listened to a song from a story called Matilda. And last of all they were choosing a present for Roald Dahl week.

By Fiona.

Roald Dahl Week P1/2

P1/2 had a marvellous week of Roald Dahl. They have read a book by Roald Dahl and enjoyed it very much. The book they read was The Giraffe, The Pelly and Me. P1/2 loved Roald Dahl week.

By Brooklyn


Year End Blog

This blog is about  a lot of the things  BPS did this year hope you enjoy.

We had a eco after noon  where Mums and Dads and all the pupils came and helped tidy up our play ground and a littel bit later that year we had a halloween party  everyone loved it. Then we had clean for the Queen all the class did there part the P5 in my class went to a park close to the yuth building . and then we had a christmas party it was so cool.  A litel whilel later we had a pantomine. Then we had the chistmas holadays. In the next term we had the easty assemably then the holadays  came again.

Its the last term of this year. The P7s had there levers assembly and some people get emotional.

The last thing I want to say is a big thank you to every one that helped us this year so THANK  YOU!!!

Witten by Sam P5


All of the people from Bowmore School Port Charrlote School and Port Ellen School took part in a orieentearing day. The people from all the  schools that learnt about orieenteering  took part from all the three schools. It was a nice summury sun  day and the weather was perfact there was little staitions and we split up into 4 groups. Wich had a colour there was blue green red and purple.We where there for a whole day.




From Megan and Nieve




Rounders Tournament

Our teachers have planned a rounders tournament with 6 teams in it. They are the otters 1 and 2 then red deer 1 and 2 and last golden eagles 1 and 2, every last 10-15mins of school we play a game. Everyone is rushing through the doors to get on the pitch for rounders.

P4/5 have completed a debate on golden time which was mostly about rounders. The opposition won 1 debate and proposition won 1 debate.  So it was a draw if teachers get to play rounders. You can vote also in the comments write yes or no and well add them up. We really enjoy it!


Day as a vet

Anna and Iseabail in the Gaelic class are going to the veterinary surgery in Bowmore as part of their Endevour. We are going there for the whole day!! We will be helping Stacey and Beth. We helped with a few very lovely dogs and we also helped with an operation on a  kitten. She was so so cute she was a tortie, a tortie is a brown, grey and black speckled coat.

Bha Anna agus Iseabail ann an clas Gaidhlig a’ dol gu an veterinary surgery ann an Bogh Mor airson an Endevour bha sinn an sin airson an latha!! bha sinn a cuideachadh Stacey, Heather agus Beth. Cuideachadh sinn torr cu math agus cuideachadh sinn le.


RSPB Open Day

On Sunday the 24th of April the RSPB Loch Gruinart will be holding a family fun open day. There will be lots of fun things to do like seeing all the animals and having a seet in all the tractors, land rovers, quad bikes, JCB, and more. You can stop by to see all the orphaned lambs and calves. Take a trip to visting center to have some tea cake and juice. This will all be held at the RSPB Loch Gruinart. Thank you


Air Didomhnich 24 den an Giblean tha an RSPB Loch Gruinart a cumail latha sporsail airson an tealach agad. Bhith tòrr rudan sporsail ri dheanamh mar:  a coimhead air na beathaichean agus a faidhean cothrom  suith air   tractar, land rover, quad bikes, JCB, agus eile. Foadaidh tu stad agus a coimhead air na h-uain agus na laoighean. Falmh sìos gun ionad luchd-turais airson cupa ti no cofaidh, sùgh agus cèic. Bidh seo air a chùmail aig RSPB Loch Gruinart. Moran taing.


By Maggie, Robbie and Abbie

Le Maggie, Robbie agus Abbie