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ICT Changemakers E-safety Assembly!

As part of their Changemakers work, the ICT group recently held their own E-safety assembly. Inspired by Safer Internet Day, the children talked about how to be safe online, and what to do if they received messages they didn’t like. The ‘Don’t Delete, reply or Meet – Report it!’ message was made clear to the rest of the school.

Our ICT Changemakers group have also been doing some fantastic work on their photography skills – most recently they’ve been documenting the fantastic work the other Changemakers groups have been doing! You can have a look at the slideshows that they’ve created at

Robert Burns Day

On 24th Tuesday Bowmore Primary School went to the Bowmore hall to celebrate robert burns day. We celebrated it by doing poems and dances, we ate haggis, oats with cheese and shortbread. We all joined in with the dances my favourite was the Dashing White Sergeant, it was the p6-7. Our parents joined in with the dances. Our poems were Robert Burns poems, we did them in front of our parents. Everyone in the school did a poem and a dance but the thing is that most of the people did was the dances with everyone. We had pipers playing Scottish music for us in the celebration. We also all sang the classic Auld Lang Syne.

Air 24 Am Faoilleach bha Bun-Sgoil Bhogha Mòr a’ comharrachadh latha Burns. Bha sinn a’ comharrachadh an latha le dannsa, seinn agus bàrdachd, dh’ith sinn beagan tageis, agus briosgaid le caise agus bha deagh aran milis againn cuideachd! B’ e bàrdachd a bha air a sgriobhadh le Robert Burns a rinn sinn. Bha cuid de na pàrantan an lathair. H-uile duine ann a rinn an sgoil dàn agus dannsa, ach tha an rud tha sin ‘chuid as motha de na daoine a rinn bha na dannsaichean leis a h-uile duine. Tha sinn a ‘bha pìobairean a’ cluich ceòl airson na h-Alba dhuinn ann an subhachas. Tha sinn cuideachd a ‘seinn na h-uile clasaig Auld Lang Syne.


B.PS Pantomine!

The bowmore school are having a panto and its in less than 5 weeks! The p6/7 are already on move of this business and only just done there auditions. We will be selling loads of stuff like sweets,drinks and crisps. we will be trying to reach over £600 pound profit so come along and enjoy the show. It will be on the 8th December in the afternoon panto is 12.45 and the night panto is at 7.00.The tickets are free for uder 3 year olds£1.00 for under 14’s and adults are £2.00. We hope to see you at the BPS panto.

Hope to see you there!!!!!!

Written by Sam and Ronaldo

Mesolithic Topic

P5-7 Mesolithic time!

In our class p5-7 we have been looking at the Mesolithic period and how they lived. To help us we read a book about a boy called Torak he was wearing leather clothes and had to defend for himself because he couldn’t just go to a shop like we can. His Dad had died as well so he was by himself completely. As well, we all wrote our own story to do with Torak and we had to use the Mesolithic vocabulary as well, so it was hard. We learned how the Mesolithic people lived and what they used to do for work. For work, they had to grow crops for food and hunt animals for clothes. In the Mesolithic time they didn’t go to school the just did work straight away without going to any kind of school!

We went on 2 trips to help with our learning, we got to help did for the tools they would have used with professionals. We went to the woods and built our own Mesolithic shelter to have lunch in while keeping away other clans.

By Lauren Morris, P5


Feeling chirpy!

P1-3 Chicks

Miss McPhee brought in an incubator and we put 7 eggs in it. After 2 weeks, two of the eggs hatched. The chicks have been living in the P1-3 classroom under a light. They make a lovely little cheeping sound, and you had to be really quiet to hear it – if you were too loud, you might scare them! The chickens are now going to go to live at Ardnave. It was really exciting to have them in our class, especially when they hatched!!!

chick2 img_1897

Written by Libby and Jayme-Ann

Speech Marks

Speech are used when someone is speaking in a text or book. Speech marks are used in books and in text to tell the reader that someone is speaking.  For example.

“Go to the shop and buy the paper,” said Mum, “don’t forget the

shopping bag.”

When using speech marks you need to make sure that all your punctuation  is inside the speech marks. For example:

“Go and tidy your bed room.” Dad ordered.

We use speech marks because it make it easier for the reader to see when someone else is speaking.


By Maggie Brown

Primary 7