All posts by Sam Philip

P6/7 Museum Trip

On Tuesday  27th and Wednesday the 28th of February the P6/7 and G5/7 went to the Islay museum and found out a lot for our WW1 topic. We found out that in world war one there was two ships crashed of the coast of Islay. One was The Tuscania and The Otranto.

Emily told us”Looking around and learning new facts.”

Lauren told us “It was interesting to find out about ww1.”

We talked to Mr Oliver ” I like the chain they used to hold the life boats in place.”

We talk to Ronaldo ” we got to see artefacts.”



Enterprise club

The PTA thought of a brilliant idea to start an enterprise club to help raise money for the school. Mrs Morris runs the enterprise club. We called our group Bowmores Excellent Enterprise’s  (aka the bees).  We have been making photo frames. if you have any spare time to come to  the summer fair witch is on the 9th of June to get a photo frame we would be thankful.


Thank you to Mrs Morris, Mrs Campbell and the PTA

Written by Sam P6

Striling trip !!!!

It was time for the biggest trip of the year when the schools from Islay and Jura both go on the trip. This year is was the Stirling trip, we were all so excited we could not wait. On the day  of the trip we were all raring to go. On the ferry we got to go to the bridge it was so cool. At one of the ends the was a glass floor so you could see the bottom of the boat and the side. Once we got to the hotel we had dinner then went bowling, the people that got the best score in our lanes were Craig, Gorga and Anna. The next day we split in to two groups. One of groups went to Stirling Castle and the other group went to the Battle of Bannock burn. At Stirling Castle we saw the Queen’s chamber and The Great Hall and we got to dressed up as some people from the past and to hold some real weapons. At the Battle of Bannock burn centre we went in to a 3D room and it was so cool, we saw arrows go right through our body but  it was only the 3D effects. The next day we went to the Stirling University and we got to dissect a fish. After lunch we went to The Forth Road Bridge and it was so cool. For dinner we went to a place called The Filling station it was so nice. After that we all went shopping then we went back to the hotel. The next day we went to Blair Drummond, we went to see some animals we saw elephants, rhinos, triggers, otters,penguins and meercats. Then we went to the ferry to go back home.

By Sam P6

A big thank you to all the hotel staff, the buses drivers and, most of all the teachers.

Year End Blog

This blog is about  a lot of the things  BPS did this year hope you enjoy.

We had a eco after noon  where Mums and Dads and all the pupils came and helped tidy up our play ground and a littel bit later that year we had a halloween party  everyone loved it. Then we had clean for the Queen all the class did there part the P5 in my class went to a park close to the yuth building . and then we had a christmas party it was so cool.  A litel whilel later we had a pantomine. Then we had the chistmas holadays. In the next term we had the easty assemably then the holadays  came again.

Its the last term of this year. The P7s had there levers assembly and some people get emotional.

The last thing I want to say is a big thank you to every one that helped us this year so THANK  YOU!!!

Witten by Sam P5

BPS library

In BPS we have a library that most of you already know about but if you don’t know about our library or you have not seen it we will tell you all about it and we will also show you some pictures of the library. The library is kindly ran by Miss MacKenzie. Miss MacKenzie works really hard every day to keep the library clean,tidy and beautiful. Alot of pupils in BPS go and read in the quiet and lovely library where people can have a nice and peaceful time reading the lovely books.




P4/5’s Movie Talk

In primary 4/5 we have  been doing a movie talk. Our movie talk is a bit like a show and tell but it is all about our favourite movie. All of us have been working extremely hard.We have to show and tell the class all about our favourite movie, you are also allowed to bring anything you like to show the class about your favourite movie.

These are some photo’s of our movie talk.

Written By Lauren, Eilidh and Sam

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Scottish Country Dancing

IMG_2402On a Tuesday afternoon P6/7 go in to the hall to learn Scottish Country Dancing.

Very kindly Mrs Aitchson comes in in her own time to teach us, so far we have learnt The Dashing White Seargent, The Gay Gordons, The Circle Waltz, Reel for Jeannie and more. Miss McPhee, Mrs Rae as well as Ms Gilbert help us all to get them all right.


Written by Morven P7