Mesolithic Topic

P5-7 Mesolithic time!

In our class p5-7 we have been looking at the Mesolithic period and how they lived. To help us we read a book about a boy called Torak he was wearing leather clothes and had to defend for himself because he couldn’t just go to a shop like we can. His Dad had died as well so he was by himself completely. As well, we all wrote our own story to do with Torak and we had to use the Mesolithic vocabulary as well, so it was hard. We learned how the Mesolithic people lived and what they used to do for work. For work, they had to grow crops for food and hunt animals for clothes. In the Mesolithic time they didn’t go to school the just did work straight away without going to any kind of school!

We went on 2 trips to help with our learning, we got to help did for the tools they would have used with professionals. We went to the woods and built our own Mesolithic shelter to have lunch in while keeping away other clans.

By Lauren Morris, P5


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