P4/5 making their blood

P4/5 have been very busy making their own blood.They thought it was really fun to find out what was inside their blood.They found out some questions and they thought that they could make their own blood. They had a jar filled with water with yellow food colouring in it. Then they added cells. For the white blood cells, they used marshmallows and for red blood cells, they used cheerios. They painted the cheerios red so that the water turned red. This was the blood.For platelets, they used pompoms.

They did a great job of making the blood! Here are some comment about their favourite bits!

Hannah:      “Putting the pompons in!!”

Nieve:          “When we were making the white blood cells and the red blood cells.”

Kacper:     “My favourite was making the platelets.”

Daniel loved “watching it turn red!”

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