Year End Blog

This blog is about  a lot of the things  BPS did this year hope you enjoy.

We had a eco after noon  where Mums and Dads and all the pupils came and helped tidy up our play ground and a littel bit later that year we had a halloween party  everyone loved it. Then we had clean for the Queen all the class did there part the P5 in my class went to a park close to the yuth building . and then we had a christmas party it was so cool.  A litel whilel later we had a pantomine. Then we had the chistmas holadays. In the next term we had the easty assemably then the holadays  came again.

Its the last term of this year. The P7s had there levers assembly and some people get emotional.

The last thing I want to say is a big thank you to every one that helped us this year so THANK  YOU!!!

Witten by Sam P5

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