RSPB Open Day

On Sunday the 24th of April the RSPB Loch Gruinart will be holding a family fun open day. There will be lots of fun things to do like seeing all the animals and having a seet in all the tractors, land rovers, quad bikes, JCB, and more. You can stop by to see all the orphaned lambs and calves. Take a trip to visting center to have some tea cake and juice. This will all be held at the RSPB Loch Gruinart. Thank you


Air Didomhnich 24 den an Giblean tha an RSPB Loch Gruinart a cumail latha sporsail airson an tealach agad. Bhith tòrr rudan sporsail ri dheanamh mar:  a coimhead air na beathaichean agus a faidhean cothrom  suith air   tractar, land rover, quad bikes, JCB, agus eile. Foadaidh tu stad agus a coimhead air na h-uain agus na laoighean. Falmh sìos gun ionad luchd-turais airson cupa ti no cofaidh, sùgh agus cèic. Bidh seo air a chùmail aig RSPB Loch Gruinart. Moran taing.


By Maggie, Robbie and Abbie

Le Maggie, Robbie agus Abbie

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