Looking back and looking forward


I hope 2017 brings a great deal of professional and personal satisfaction and wellbeing to all. The last couple of weeks over the holiday period have been very relaxing and happy time for me. This year our family time has been full of visits to and from family and friends. We had a major celebration with our elder daughter becoming engaged on Christmas Day. We have had time for reflection and for future planning.

When I look back professionally on 2016 it has probably been one of the most demanding years in my career. Not only have we raised expectations from Scottish Government on closing the attainment gap and raising attainment for all but we also are fully aware of greater scrutiny from all bodies. With all the external expectations it remains imperative that we continue to focus on the individual children in our care. At the end of December 2016 we saw publication of the new 2017 National Improvement Framework and Improvement Plan for Scottish Education and the 2016 Evidence Report. Both of these documents continue to challenge the way forward for 2017




The recent consultation on the governance review closed formally on the 6th of January and the coming months will be very interesting as the review findings are shared and there is further work undertaken on the review. 2017 will be a time for greater devolvement of finances to schools direct and this whilst providing new opportunities may also provide further challenges.

One unchanging element in our Education system is the children and their rights to a first class education wherever they live in Scotland or their circumstances. In my opinion the key people who provide this are the educators in the classrooms. The quality of the learning and teaching is a key factor in children’s progress and achievement. Wherever this learning happens across our provisions in early years, primary, secondary or youth services the contributions of dedicated professional staff are essential. Many of our staff are undertaking extra studies and deepening their own knowledge. Staff also continue to review CfE materials and the Education Scotland new look hub has many new documents offering support and advice.


As we move forward into 2017 I hope to be able to meet with many of you in establishments and hear of your innovative and creative ways of delivering for our children and providing for their future.

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