We are making our own games on scratch
connors foot ball
i learned how to make foot ball
my scratch game
i started to make a game where you try to get the monkey too the finnish box without touching the ant or any of the other objects
Scratch robot maze
Today I started to make a maze game on scratch with a robot. The robot has to work it’s way through a maze, collecting screws as it goes along. I am going to make a variable to count the robot’s score next lesson.
Using the Target Database
We have started to use this programe and it looks like it will be quit good
Using the Target Database
We have started and learnt to use the Target Database and it is really good.
using target database
we have started using the target database and at first it looked confusing but its really quite simple and will be quite useful in weeks to come.
Using the Target Database
We’ve just been using the new target database. I don’t know what it’ll be like untill we’ve used it more, but i think it’ll be good.
Using New Target Database
We have just started using the Target Database and at first i thought it was a bit boring but i think it will be quite useful…