Tag Archives: perimeter

Perimeter Perimeter…

Perimeter – the length of the outside edge of a shape . . .

The Perimeter Song – Watch it two or three times, you’ll know the words, and you’ll never forget what perimeter is again.

[kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/KwXBMGdSWmI" width="425" height="344" allowfullscreen="true" fvars="fs=1" /]

The Perimeter Song – Click Here!

Within our measure topic, we need to be able to calculate the perimeter of different shapes and objects. The game below will test your perimeter knowledge. Level 1 is quite simple, but it gets harder as you move through the levels. Let us know how you get on playing the game.

Perimeter Game – CLICK HERE!

See you tomorrow – for some more work with “Perimeter . . . Perimeter”
Mr.Cook, Mrs.MacLeod and Mrs.Prentice

An Active Day for P6/7

REMINDER: We made a START to our Biographies today. If you need any more INFORMATION on your ‘HERO’, bring this in for NEXT WEDNESDAY 26th September

This morning the P6s were doing a PERIMETER investigation with Mr Cook and Mrs MacLeod.


The perimeter is…

In teams, we had to find a way of measuring a section of the playground, without using: rulers, metre sticks or trundle wheels. Some people used their bodies, others their shoes, some also using cardboard.

An fantastic result from the ‘Measuring Kids’ who managed to calculate the perimeter within 70cm of the official measurement!


The P7s on the other hand were putting their fitness to the test, in a series of fitness tests with Mrs Prentice and Sarah Liebnitz.

An excellent result by Scott and Rachel who managed to get 79 and 56 on the bleep test.

In the afternoon we begun planning our weather reports- Just another day in P6/7

See you all tomorrow,
Mr.Cook, Mrs.MacLeod and Mrs.Prentice